We aren’t just researchers here at the Idaho Policy Institute. Get to know the team with a 25 Questions series.

Q: All-time favorite class/professor?
A: Marine Biology in San Salvador, Bahamas, with Dr. Lewis and Dr. deLanglade
Q: What would you name your autobiography?
A: Tenacious V
Q: What kind of problems do you best solve?
A: Complex ones
Q: Last book you read or are currently reading?
A: Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheel and Gun Dog by Richard Wolters
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Not at the moment, but have my eyes on a female German Wirehair Pointer puppy (any suggested names can be emailed to vanessafry@boisestate.edu)
Q: How would your best friend describe you?
A: Giving, kind, thoughtful, and a little intense.
Q: Favorite mascot?
A: Brutus Buckeye
Q: Oddest job(s)?
A: Driving a horse and carriage and giving historic tours of Charleston, SC, and field research collecting ticks from small- and medium-sized mammals and testing for Lyme disease

Q: What advice do you wish you had 10 years ago?
A: Don’t take everything so seriously.
Q: Farthest you’ve been from home?
A: Phuket, Thailand
Q: Do you play an instrument?
A:Â I played the piano and clarinet as a kid and as an adult have an ambition to learn to play mandolin
Q: What is your favorite place to eat?
A: My Grandma Rockey’s kitchen table.
Q: Did you fail any classes?
A: Nope
Q: All-time favorite show?
A: M.A.S.H
Q: What is your favorite snack?
A: An apple
Q: What are/were your parent’s occupations?
A: Before he retired, my father was CEO of a company that produced dialysis fluid and recycle 50 gallon drums. My mom is currently a buyer for King Nut – the company that supplies most of the in-flight snacks for airlines.
Q: What did you study for your undergraduate degree?
A: Biology and Fine Art
Q: What sport are you best at?
A:Â Past, steeple chase. Present, long distance running
Q: What do you get most at work in?
A: Datasets – in a good way
Q: Three things you could talk about for 30 minutes straight?
A: Pay for Success, my family, getting a puppy
Q: In elementary school, what activities did you get excited about and what were you best at?
A: In sixth grade biology we got to dissect all sorts of animals – I loved it. I also loved my weekly elementary school art class. I think I was pretty good at both subjects.
Q: Favorite vacation, real or imaginary?
A: Surf vacation in Nicaragua with my family (past) and Sailing in the Caribbean with my family (future)
Q: Favorite place to be?
A: Outside
Q: Were you named after anyone?
A: My middle name is R which came from my mother’s maiden name, Rockey
Q: Favorite career moment?
A: It’s a tie – Launching Idaho Policy Institute with Greg Hill and The ground breaking for New Path Community Housing