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​Idaho Health and Welfare: Treatment and Transitions Program Evaluation 2024, Year 5 Annual Report

​The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s (IDHW) Treatment and Transitions Program serves individuals with severe mental illness and/or a co-occurring disorder who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. The project is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As the Project Evaluator, Idaho Policy Institute oversees all evaluation activities and works closely with IDHW program staff to design data collection strategies, monitoring, and reporting for this program with the objectives to:
1. Measure the program’s ability to meet its stated goals and objectives, and
2. Inform IDHW’s decisions for program improvement.
This report serves as the fourth quarter and annual evaluation of the program’s fifth year.
Key achievements in the fifth year include admitting 45 Idahoans experiencing severe mental illness and/or co-occurring disorders into the TNT Program with 12 of those individuals being admitted in the fourth quarter. To date, the program has launched four enhanced safe and sober houses and directly provided 278 Idahoans with stable housing and supportive services.