… if you don’t have work experience.
Who’s spending most of their time lately looking forward to summer? **Raises hand** Sure, it’s mostly because we just want some sun on our skin, but it’s also because we’re thinking summer jobs and internships – or if you’re graduating, a for real career path job. Here are 5 things to include when you’re brushing up that resume to start applying:

1) Volunteer work and service learning experience
Especially if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for, volunteer experience is a great way to show your interest, knowledge and skills in that area.

2) Student club involvement
Your involvement in student clubs (especially if it relates to the job) can show potential employers you have experience managing your time and working on – or even leading – a team.

3) Research you’ve done or assisted with, or capstone course work
Again, research and academic experience shows employers you are able to dig into a topic and learn more. Use these experiences to highlight time management, critical thinking and organizational skills.

4) Professional organizations
Some professional organizations are free to join. Others have fees, but any of them can show employers that you care enough about a field, industry, or topic to be a member.

5) Training, workshops and conferences
Any of this experience on your resume showcases extra initiative you’ve taken, knowledge you’ve sought and skills you’ve developed.
½) Get creative. Resumes don’t have to be boring.
(of course, depending on the job you’re applying for)