Computing Across Curricula
What is the ambitious goal of this project?
It can be freeing to realize some problems are really easy for computers, but it can be frustrating to learn *how* to get our computers to solve those problems. In this class we’ll be working together to identify the problems across our coursework and labs where it will pay off to apply computational tools, and then work towards solving them. To do this, we’ll help each other with foundational computing skills, learn how to share and work on code together, use coding assistants, and practice installing software across various operating systems.
Experience Gained
- Use coding assistants and community to get homework done across a range of computational tools (excel, google sheets, python, github, matlab, mathematica).
- Identify compute-amenable problems.
- Work with a team to design and build small software projects that solve compute-amenable problems.
- Manage and manipulate data in a variety of formats.
Methodologies and/or Technologies used to achieve project goals
- Adult education strategies
- Arduino & Rasberry Pi Computing
- Coding and coding software
- Design thinking
- Engineering lab
- Instructional design
- Qualitative research methods
- Quantitative research methods
Preferred Preparation
200: No prerequisites.
400: 200-level participation, or significant experience with some computational tools or research.
Majors or Interests Needed
- Any/All
- Materials Science & Engineering
VIP Coach Information
Eric Jankowski: Director, Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering. Debugging enthusiast.
Jenny Fothergill: HPC Engineer with Research Computing, Jankowski lab alumnus.
Kyle Shannon: Senior Software Engineer.
Our team specializing in applying computing tools to problems in materials science and beyond.
Course Information
VIP 200, VIP 400 or VIP 500
Full semester course. Choose to enroll in 1 or 2 credits.
Team meetings: Hybrid. Meeting times TBD after students register
Interested in joining this team?
For more information and to request a permission number to register, contact Dr. Eric Jankowski at
You can also complete this interest form and someone will contact you. Check out this page for tips on contacting a professor.
To register
To register search by Subject: Vertically Integrated Projects, read the project description to find the right section of VIP 200, 400, or 500. Use permission number, here are instructions Add with a permission number