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Vaccine Development

Student working in the lab

What is the ambitious goal of this project?

Learn some of the molecular cloning and protein purification techniques that are essential steps to constructing new vaccines. In addition, students will learn “reverse vaccinology” methods to identify top priority vaccine candidates using bioinformatics.

Experience Gained

Students will learn basic molecular techniques and in silico antigen discovery while also helping to move forward current and ongoing research projects on the development of Staphylococcus aureus vaccines.

Methodologies/skills used to achieve project goals:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Molecular cloning
  • Protein purification techniques

Majors and Interests Needed

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry-Biochemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
  • Physics

VIP Coach Information

Juliette Tinker in the lab

Juliette Tinker: Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Office Location: Science Building, Room 229
Office Number:
Office Fax: 208-426-1040
E-Mail Address:

Course Information

Full semester course.
Choose to enroll in 1 or 2 credits in VIP 200, VIP 400, or VIP 500
Team meetings TBD by participants.

Want to join the team?

Please complete this interest form and you will be contacted by the faculty to learn more about their project. Check out this page for tips on contacting a professor.

To register:  search by Subject: Vertically Integrated Projects, select section with “Vaccine Development” as topic name of VIP 200, 400, or 500. Use permission number, here are instructions Add with a permission number