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Did you know?

Self determination:

  • a) is a major factor in student success, and
  • b) is teachable.

Check out all the different components that make up this complex suite of abilities. How do you help your students develop these in your curriculum?

Table of Self-Determination Core Component Skills and Definitions

Skill Definition
Choice making Identifying a preference between two known options
Decision making Identifying a preference between three or more options
Problem solving Identifying a preference or course of action when the options are unknown or unclear
Goal setting and attainment Determining a goal for the future, the steps to attain the goal, and a timeline for doing so
Self-regulation/ self-management Understanding a desired behavior and working to monitor one’s ability to demonstrate that behavior in a given situation
Self-advocacy and leadership skills Having the ability to speak up for oneself and one’s rights as well as influencing actions of others
Positive perceptions of control, efficacy, and outcome expectancies Believing that one’s actions influence an outcome, that one has the ability to learn the necessary skills or perform the necessary actions, and that using those skills will result in positive outcomes
Self-awareness Demonstrating the ability to understand one’s strengths and weaknesses and to understand one’s response to the people and activities in one’s environment
Self-knowledge Possessing the ability to use knowledge of self to improve one’s quality of life

From Thoma, C.A., Bartholomew, C.C., & Scott, L.A. (2009). Universal design for transition: A roadmap for planning and instruction. (p. 33). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.; adapted by permission for use in Thomas & Tamura’s Demystifying Transition Assessment

Special thank you to Boise State’s Early & Special Education Online Degree Program Curriculum Committee, where this resource originates from.

More Considerations:

The Office of the Dean of Students can provide additional support or referrals regarding any of the topics discussed on this site.  In addition, the following offices and links may be of use.

  • The following video provides an overview of academic integrity at Boise State, focusing on strategies to promote academic integrity in your learning environment through assignment design and transparent conversation about potential consequences of academic misconduct and benefits of academic integrity. The video also discusses policy and procedure, including the Student Code of Conduct, how to report acts of academic misconduct, and ways to address concerns with your student(s) before you file the report.
  • The Center for Teaching and Learning, and the IDEA Shop provide workshops, resources and consultations to support pedagogical development.
  • For online courses, contact the eCampus Center for consultation, resources, and support.
  • Boise State’s English Language Support Programs website contains many resources designed specifically to support English Language Learners that also promote academic integrity for all students.  The strategies for creating effective writing assignments are particularly relevant. The research and writing process itself is one form of active learning, which helps students ‘learn by doing.’
  • Additional campus resources for students may be useful to provide in your syllabus or in your course.
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