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COVID-19 Resources from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)

Moving Forward: Self-Care

Reasonably so, COVID-19 has caused many to live in a state of stress and anxiety. We know that stress negatively impacts physical health and well-being and limits the ability to function effectively, both professionally and personally. We would encourage folks to review these popular webinars and readings:

Moving Forward: Rework Your Strategic Plan

If you haven’t already, consider taking the time to create a strategic plan. If you’ve already created your plan, now is the time to rework it based on your newly-changed schedule and the expectations placed upon you. You can create or rework your plan to cover the next week, two weeks, month, or semester. Having this plan will be your roadmap to help you identify personal and professional goals, create a workable plan to accomplish them, and identify the types of community, support, and accountability you need to remain productive.

Moving Forward: Lower Your Standards

At NCFDD, we’ve worked with thousands of academic writers through our Faculty Success Program. An important area of the program focuses on “Lowering Your Standards.” As you’re trying to cope with the enormity of what’s happening (within your day-to-day life as well as the world), consider employing some of the strategies provided here. In addition, we’ve made the video linked below, typically only available to FSP participants, open to all NCFDD members.

Lower Your Standards

Moving Forward: Pivoting to Online Teaching

Faculty and students alike are suddenly pivoting to alternative forms of instruction – mid-term. Amidst managing personal and family needs, instructors (and students) are now managing reduced access to teaching and learning resources, and high levels of stress and anxiety in their courses. Sara Schley, PhD, will walk you through a practical framework for moving your course online quickly.

Watch Now – Pivoting Online

Additional NCFDD Resources

NCFDD COVID-19 Discussion Forum: an informal space where NCFDD members can connect for emotional/social support

NCFDD Recommendations: suggested readings, coaches and support organizations, professional editors, and more

NCFDD Monthly Writing Challenges: connect with other NCFDD members in a supportive and productive community

NCFDD Core Curriculum: 10 skills to help you thrive in the Academy

Resources For Online Teaching

Association of College and University Educators Online Teaching Tool-Kit

Teaching With Technology (Center for Research on Learning & Teaching, University of Michigan)

Blended and Online Learning (Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University)

Online Teaching Guide (Duke University)

Teaching and Learning Online Handbook (University of Massachusetts System)

Blended Learning Toolkit (University of Central Florida)

Best Practices for Teaching Online (Arizona State University)

Tips from an Online Course Developer (NCFDD)