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Listing Scholarly or Creative Works in a Unit

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  1. In the left-hand menu, click on Reports under Administration.
  2. In the Activity Reports subsection at the top, click on the Scholarly Activities report link.
  3. In the Faculty box in the middle of the top of the screen, click on [number of Faculty Selected].
    1. Choose faculty using the faculty picker pop-up e.g., all full-time faculty active during the search window (e.g., 2017)
    2. In the same pop-up, if you want to look at faculty by a particular rank, go to the Faculty Classification submenu in the picker. Choose Faculty Rank and select the rank(s) you wish to include. Click Apply and Select [number of] Faculty.
  4. In the General box in the top-left of the screen:
    1. Select the Activity type you wish to review (i.e., the type of publication or scholarly/creative activity).
    2. Select publication Status options (e.g., choose all scholarly types that are either Completed/Published or Accepted — these two are the default]).
  5. If applicable, go to the Details box in the top-right of the screen and use an Activity Classification to narrow to a subset of records. A common choice here is to use the Intellectual Contributions: Review Type classification to select only those that have some form of peer review.
  6. Click Build Report.