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Tips for Annual Data Review Process

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It is vital to update basic bibliographic/event details for records before beginning the formal data review process in your My Tasks list!

2022 highlight (recording pandemic impact on courses)

  • In the data tool, for each TEACHING – Credit Courses record for 2022:
  •  Click Add next to that record
  • Review the COVID Impact activity classification and change the drop-down selection (if applicable)
  • Click Save

FAQ: Why won’t it let me submit?

  • Faculty 180 will not let you close out via the Review is Complete button until you have addressed any sections indicated with Activities Require Your Attention.
  • If Review is Complete is clicked without addressing those sections, the system will let you know which sections need Status updates/confirmation with a pop-up.
  • This includes confirming the details within each Credit Course (see 2022 Highlight above)

Updating status/data in Data Review

  • Some sections require you to hit an Update button at the bottom of the sections. All of these Updates need to be submitted before you can submit the whole page via the Review is Complete button.

COED and COEN faculty

  • You will also need to enter course evaluation numbers into the records for each credit course taught in the prior calendar year in the TEACHING – Credit Courses section.
    • Do not enter blocks of text or narratives in the fields below!
  • For the question, “Overall Course Quality”, follow these guidelines:
    • COED faculty: Report your statistic for the course evaluation question, “How would you rate the overall quality of this course?”
    • COEN faculty: Report your statistic for the course evaluation question, “Overall the quality of this course was excellent.”
  • For the question, “Overall Instructor Excellence”, follow these guidelines:
    • COED faculty: Report the statistic for the course evaluation question, “How would you rate the overall quality of this instructor?”
    • COEN faculty: Report the statistic for the course evaluation question, “Overall, I think the instructor is excellent.”

General Reminders


  • If, in Digital Measures, someone entered in March 31, 2014 for Start Date, but only calendar year 2014 for an End Date, then the date that will appear for End Date is 12/31/14; you will need to complete the actual, logical date that activity ended.
  • ‘Ongoing’ was inserted for the End Date, if it was missing in DM. Please update these for accurate current year data.
  • ‘1966’ was automatically inserted for Start year, if it was missing in DM. Please update these to a more accurate year.
  • Scholarly/Creative Contributions with no “Year Published” date in DM defaults to 2016; need to be updated for bibliographic accuracy.

Scholarly/Creative Works status

  • Work needs to have a status of Completed/Published or Work Discontinued for the system to consider it closed out (even if there is full bibliographic information completed).
    • Many records did not have terminal status in DM – these will appear in activity report (Annual Activity Report) if not updated.

Credit Courses

  • If sections are cross-listed, please check the Group Courses box by each, and then apply changes with the Group button below the list.
  • If your college/department allocates different teaching workload weights to classes based on certain characteristics (e.g., New preps, Large sections), please complete the following for those classes:
    • Adjust the Teaching Load credits
    • Select the Teaching Load Adjustment Reasons (click on ‘Classify’ to the right)
  • Before final submission, the system alerts that you have not provided attachments for their Credit Courses (not required by the system)
    • Department/college determines whether and what types of attachments for courses are desired.

Viewing full record details

  • Vitas only display top-line information for each record; click on spyglass icon next to record for all details.