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UF Curriculum

Full list of Current University Foundations courses

University Foundations Requirements Table

For Foundations of the Discipline courses, see the Boise State catalog for the individual courses in each disciplinary category. Students in some programs are required to take specific FD courses.
UF CurriculumCourses & CategoriesCredits
University Foundations 100 & 200UF 100: Foundations of Intellectual Life

UF 200: Foundations of Ethics & Diversity
Foundations of Written CommunicationENGL 101: Writing and Rhetoric I

ENGL 102: Writing and Rhetoric II
Foundations of Oral CommunicationCOMM 101 (most students)

SOC 122: Sociological Comm (limited enrollment)
Foundations of the DisciplineFoundations of Mathematics3
Foundations of the DisciplineFoundations of Natural, Physical, and Applied Sciences
Two courses from separate fields, one with lab
Foundations of the DisciplineFoundations of Arts3
Foundations of the DisciplineFoundations of Humanities3
Foundations of the DisciplineFoundations of Social Sciences
Two courses from separate fields
Finishing FoundationsCapstone course in discipline
Satisfied by major requirements