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Changes to Fall 2021 freshman admission and scholarship requirements

Admissions Requirements

You may notice a few changes to the freshman admissions standards and process for Fall 2021.

Full details are available on our admissions standards pages, but the high-level changes are:

  • SAT and ACT scores are not required (and will not be used) in making neither admission nor scholarship decisions for Fall 2021
  • The minimum GPA for automatic admission for Idaho residents is 2.80
  • The automatic admission standard for nonresidents is a 3.00 GPA

The GPAs noted on this page are based on the cumulative, unweighted high school GPA. We highly encourage applicants whose GPAs fall below these standards to apply to Boise State; they will be asked to provide two pieces of additional information before an admission decision is made:

  • 7th-semester transcript showing grades from the first semester or quarter of your senior year
  • Personal statement of 500 words or less, telling us about the goals you’ve set for yourself as a student at Boise State University. Please also let us know about any challenges you’ve overcome, either personally or academically, that may have impacted your academic performance.

Students receiving this more holistic review for fall admission will receive an admission decision in early March, provided all materials were received by Boise State Admissions by February 15.

Scholarship Consideration

As noted previoulsy, we’ve removed test scores as a required element for scholarship consideration. In doing so, we were called to still work within our scholarship budget for each award; this meant that, in some cases, the minimum GPA or the award amount (or both) required adjustment.

See the New Boise State Scholarship Criteria for Fall 2021 Freshmen Here