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Ask Me Anything! with Joey

With a May 2023 graduation on the near horizon, current senior Joey Anchetta looks back on his undergraduate years at Boise State with fondness and appreciation. With a rich set of experiences now under his belt, he’s sharing his story with future Broncos in an episode of Ask Me Anything.

Video Transcript – Ask Me Anything! | Joey

Choosing a major

Ancheta was initially drawn to Boise State for its diversity of programs and opportunities. And as someone with a natural knack for storytelling, Joey was delighted to learn that Boise State would allow him to match his major with an accompanying arts-focused certificate.

When considering the opportunities this major and certificate pairing would open up for him, he thought to himself, “No other school is really offering that.”

While picking an area of study in college can be daunting, it’s a crucial decision that can significantly impact students’ future careers. With over 200 majors and minors offered at Boise State, along with certificates, internships, and hands-on research at his fingertips, Joey designed an educational pathway to fit his specific needs.

Students walk on the quad during Bronco Welcome

“When I first graduated from high school, I was 150% convinced that I wanted to be a Criminal Justice major,” says Joey, “But I found during my sophomore year that my personal and academic passions lay elsewhere.”

For students entering college as undeclared (like 10% of Boise State’s incoming students) or those who feel they may be on the fence like Joey was, a few strategies can be employed to make an informed decision.

For starters, consider personal interests, skills, and values. Reflecting on what subjects or activities may have sparked joy in the past can help students build on the skills that come naturally to them. Aptitude tests and career assessments can also help students identify their strengths and potential career paths. Additionally, researching the job market and earning potential for various majors can put things into perspective when thinking about long-term goals.

On the other side of this important realization, an incredible team of academic advisors and professors that helped Joey switch his entire four-year plan over to English Education.

Joey’s advice? “Remember that choosing a major doesn’t mean you have to stick with it forever, and it’s okay to change your mind or switch fields later on.”

Explore Academic programs with Major Finder

Moving to Boise, Idaho

Originally hailing from Puyallup, Washington, another draw for Ancheta was the city of Boise itself.

“It’s such a different vibe from Seattle. You get here and it’s just like everything’s slowed down,” Ancheta says, “Boise is just awesome.”

Downtown Boise

In fact, Boise was voted one of the most livable places to live in the United States by U.S. News and World Report in 2022. Boise offers a perfect balance of urban living and outdoor adventure, all in one perfectly sized city.

With the convenience of Boise State’s campus being a quick walk from downtown, the Boise River, and all kinds of trendy restaurants, cafés, shops and more, Joey found it easy to fall in love with Boise’s cozy charm. So, he started a Student Life blog series called “What I Love About…” where he captured seasonal activities he enjoyed participating in as a Bronco.

Joey’s passion for his community and student outreach also led him to join the Undergraduate Admissions department as a campus tour guide, where he showed future Broncos and their families around Boise State’s scenic campus.

Learn more about Boise, Idaho

Greek Life at Boise State

In addition to his on-campus jobs, Joey finds connections with other like-minded students through his fraternity.

With 21 different chapters to choose from, Boise State’s fraternity and sorority community offered countless opportunities to get involved and grow both personally and professionally. Ancheta largely credits his tight-knit brotherhood for helping him adjust to college life and exploration beyond campus.

Students toss a football at a fraternity event

“I found a group of such like-minded men who have become some of the best friends I’ve ever made while also pushing and inspiring me to become the best version of myself,” says Ancheta.

For many, being part of the fraternity and sorority community at Boise State, means finding a home away from home and learning to lead. From developing a new service project to guiding a chapter to win its first international award, joining a fraternity or sorority provides students with a great way to write their own Boise State story.

Explore Greek Life Chapters

So as one chapter ends and another is set to begin, Ancheta’s excited for what lies ahead beyond Boise State.

“When I think about what I love the most about my time as a Bronco, I think it’s the way that my quality of life has increased tenfold,” says Ancheta, “I know in my heart that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be and that this was all part of the journey.”

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