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CHEM 495 Research Options

CHEM 496: Requirments and Guidelines

CHEM 495 is an individual project in chemistry. It is selected by the student and approved by a supervising member of the chemistry faculty. This project may include laboratory research, curriculum design, participation in an internship, or other departmentally approved projects. In order to meet graduation requirements, two credits of CHEM 495 are required for an undergraduate degree.

Before beginning any alternatives to traditional undergraduate research, students must receive approval from their Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry mentor and from the department chair.

Options for CHEM 495: Research in Chemistry

Students who select a traditional undergraduate experience will work directly with one of our faculty members in their laboratory on a project. The traditional research experience is at least one year in length. The best way to get a real sense of what scientists do is to apply the scientific background you have been developing in your classes to a research project. Regardless of your ultimate career goals, a research project will provide valuable experience, and is crucial if you intend to study chemistry past the B.S. level. The guidelines for using traditional undergraduate research to fulfill this requirement are as follows:

  • CHEM 309 must be completed prior to enrolling in CHEM 495
  • To learn more about how to get involved in undergraduate research visit our How to Start Undergraduate Research page.
  • Students are required to complete at least 1 year of undergraduate research (2 credits over 2 semesters). However it is recommended that students complete 4-5 semesters of research.
  • The CHEM 495 Alternative Research Proposal form must be filled out and approved by the department for any research outside of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to be accepted for CHEM 495 credit.
  • Students will enroll in two credits of CHEM 495 over two semesters to fulfill this requirement.


Contact: Kathleen Mukengezi


Phone: 208-426-1002

Office: SCNC 154E