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Mark Bannister, J.D.

Mark BannisterDean

(208) 426-1125
Office Number: MBEB 3138 | Mail Stop: 1600

As dean of the Boise State University College of Business and Economics, Bannister is honored to lead an outstanding AACSB-accredited college of business containing six departments, five MBA programs matched to differing student needs, and specialized master programs in accounting and economics. The college, serves more than 4.000 students per year. Bannister holds the rank of professor. He serves on university leadership groups including the Deans and Administrative Councils and chairs the College of Business and Economics Department Chairs Council. Internally, he provides leadership and communication, connecting the college and the breadth of internal university entities. Bannister represents the college externally in its interactions with the college advisory council, the Boise State University Foundation, and with a wide range of organizations and friends of the college.