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Idaho Business Review: “Boise State’s [CS] Program Turning Money Into Graduates”

Idaho business review

Idaho Business Review’s Brad Iverson-Long sat down with Dr. Tim Andersen to talk about the Boise State computer science department’s efforts to handle enrollment surges and workforce demand increases.

The article featured on the Idaho Business Review website (Subscription Required) and to be published in the next print edition, highlights the investments being made by public and private entities that are interested in increasing graduation numbers and adding skilled labor to the local tech workforce. So far, the number of graduates has increased from the mid-20 range to an expected 45 this year and 60+ expected in 2016. These increases have been made possible by programs such as IGEMs and the Idaho Department of Labor Industry Sector grants along with additional investment and commitment by Boise State University. To fully satisfy industry needs however, those numbers need to continue to increase.

The next step in building capacity was recently revealed by way of Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year which asks for an increase of $690,000 for the department to hire four more faculty. Legislative approval will continue the investment needed to hit the overall goal of 100 graduates a year.

Iverson-Long touches on a number of other department initiatives and their effects on the local tech community in the article which is available as part of a paid Idaho Business Review subscription.