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ACM IDC Conference Coming to Boise, Chaired by Dr. Jerry Alan Fails

IDC 2019

The 18th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2019) will be held in Boise, Idaho June 12-15, 2019. Dr. Jerry Alan Fails, an associate professor in the Computer Science Department, is the General Chair for the conference.

IDC is the premier international conference for interaction design for children and includes a mix of research from academia and industry. IDC is an Association for Computing and Machinery (ACM) conference. The ACM is “the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society.” Environments like Scratch and Scratch Junior were first presented at the IDC conference (and representatives from earlier environments like Logo have presented at IDC too). Many tangible interfaces, 3D printing, and the maker culture have been promulgated via IDC. This international conference has been organized and held around the world at places such as Stanford University, Manchester BBC Media City, MIT Media Lab, and Aarhus University.

IDC invites participation from all interested in interaction design and children from any area on campus including (but not limited to): the College of Education, College of Innovation & Design, College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences. If you have research in interaction design and children and are interested in participating, please see the submission deadlines. While you are first invited to submit something formally for inclusion in the conference, Boise State will also host an informal reception where posters of related research performed at Boise State University can be presented. If you are interested in participating in the Boise State Poster Reception, please complete the form here.

“Hosting the 18th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2019) in Boise will continue to raise the visibility of Boise State University on a global level. We look forward to showing the world some of the great things happening here in Boise, and as such encourage you to participate,” said Dr. Fails.

If you have questions on how you can participate, please contact Dr. Jerry Fails (