Forms for Employees
Communications Request
Faculty users: Send mass email to ECE majors
Curriculum Request
Faculty users: Propose changes to ECE curriculum
Event Planning Request
Faculty users: Request event planning support, including advertising, venue selection, catering, etc.
Expense Reimbursement Request
Faculty and student employees: Request reimbursement for travel and other expenses
Fee Payment Request
Faculty users: Pay student application fees or student tuition
Personnel Action Request
Faculty users: Hire new students, update or separate existing contracts, hire temporary workers
Poster Printing Request
Faculty and student employees: Submit poster files to be printed
Public Relations Request
Faculty and students employees: Submit images, quotes, and other event or story details in a media request
Purchasing Request
Faculty and approved student buyers: Purchase chemicals, compressed gas, or general merchandise
Schedule Change Request
Faculty users: Request changes to the ECE course schedule
Travel Authorization
Faculty and student employees: Request travel authorization
Web Maintenance Request
Faculty users: Suggest revisions or new web content