Dr. Mahmood Mamivand is an assistant professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering Department. He joined Boise State University in August 2017. He also serves as an adjunct professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
The ultimate goal of Dr. Mamivand’s research is to accelerate the process of materials design and discovery through developing multiscale multiphysics models. Specifically, Dr. Mamivand and his team are developing mesoscale models for materials phase transformation, nanoparticles growth, and materials performance in extreme environments.
Prior to Boise State University, Dr. Mamivand was a postdoctoral associate at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Mamivand received his PhD from Mississippi State University in Mechanical Engineering. At Mississippi State University Dr. Mamivand was the recipient of Distinguished Graduate Scholar award from Bagley College of Engineering.
Dr. Mamivand is the director of Computational Materials Design lab.