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Masters of Engineering

Masters without thesis option

The Master’s of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree is a course-based graduate program that does not include a thesis. Students in the M.Eng. program can complete graduate courses that align with their professional interests and career goals on a full-time or part-time basis. The curriculum (table below) is designed to give graduate students a strong foundation in advanced mathematics and mechanics, while also giving students the flexibility to explore topics of interest. More information on this program can be found in the Student Handbook.

Course Number and Title Credits
Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics Core

ME 501 Engineering Professional Development (1 cr)
ME 510 Continuum Mechanics (3 cr)

MATH 527 Introduction to Applied Mathematics For Scientists And Engineers
MATH 536 Partial Differential Equations or
MATH 537 Principles of Applied Mathematics (3 cr) *

Select one of the following courses:
MATH 565 Numerical Analysis I (3 cr)
MATH 571 Data Analysis(3 cr)
MATH 572 Computational Statistics (3 cr)
ME 536 Computational Fluid Dynamics (3 cr)
ME 570 Finite Element Methods (3 cr)
ME 571 Parallel Scientific Computing (3 cr)
Another course with a computational emphasis approved by the student’s advisor (3 cr)

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Courses

Courses with ME prefix to be selected with student input and approved by the supervisory committee.

Non-Mechanical Engineering Graduate Courses

Graduate courses in a related field. Masters students may take up to 6 credits of upper-division (300 level and above) undergraduate courses. Advisor approval required.

Comprehensive Examination

ME 690 Master’s Comprehensive Examination

Total 31

* The graduate committee has recently approved MATH 527 as the preferred class to meet the Mathematics core requirement.