Internships and Post-Graduate Job Opportunities
Over 80% of COEN undergraduates work in research labs or have internships before graduating. This has led to over 70% of graduates securing post-graduate plans within six months of graduating, including 10% continuing their pursuit of graduate degrees.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs)
Additional Research Opportunities
Additional Research Opportunities through:
- Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship (IFITS)
- Pathways to Science
- Higher Education Research Council (HERC) Fellowship – a paid, 10-week research experience.
Spring 2024 HERC
Apply by November 17 – All STEM majors.
LOUIS STOKES ALLIANCE FOR MINORITY PARTICIPATION (LSAMP) – provides LSAMP-eligible students with a $2,500 stipend to conduct research with a faculty member at Boise State University for 10 weeks, 20 hours per week, during the summer.

studio\Blu is a consortium between the Boise State’s Colleges of Engineering, Business & Economics, TechHelp, Venture, and Industry partners. The studio\Blu concept was born to expand the capabilities of all the founding entities in order to offer more and better services to a wider range of customers. Our unique structure of students, experienced professional, and partners provides a pathway for the entrepreneurial spirit to cultivate ideas into viable businesses and facilitate economic vibrancy.
- Engineering Innovation Studio: As our technical society becomes more digital, modern engineering students must balance complex theory in lecture courses with an opportunity to realize creativity in a real-world fabrication space. Our students now have over 1,000 hours of access to equipment, software, and trained personnel to help them master their skills.This space is filled with state-of-the-art equipment to allow students to develop machining skills!
New Product Development Lab: Supports product development across all stages from concept to launch for startups, entrepreneurs to large companies needing help.
- Prototyping
- Product evaluation and refinement
- Product test
- Engineering analysis
- Preparation for manufacturing