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Concurrent Enrollment Course List

The Boise State Concurrent Enrollment Program provides a variety of courses at participating high schools. They include general education courses, major specific courses, and college preparation courses.

Concurrent Enrollment Course List

General Education Courses

Classes that may apply to core requirements at Boise State and most universities

Course TitleCredits
ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 103 Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH 104 Biological Anthropology3
ART 100 Introduction to Art3
ASL 101 American Sign Language I 4
ASL 102 American Sign Language II 4
ASL 201 American Sign Language III 4
ASL 202 American Sign Language IV 4
BIOL 100 Concepts of Biology 4
BIOL 107 Introduction to Human Biology4
BIOL 191 Biology 1: Intro to Cell and Molecular Biology 4
CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry4
CHEM 101 Introduction to Chemistry4
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I4
CHINESE 101 Elementary Mandarin Chinese I 4
CHINESE 102 Elementary Mandarin Chinese II 4
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics 3
ED-CIFS 201 Education, Schooling, and Society3
ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II3
ENGL 175 Literature and Ideas 3
FINAN 208 Personal Finance 3
FREN 101 Elementary French I 3
FREN 102 Elementary French II 3
FREN 201 Intermediate French I3
FREN 202 Intermediate French II3
GEOL 101 Physical Geology 4
GERM 101 Elementary German I 4
GERM 102 Elementary German II 4
HIST 101 World History I3
HIST 102 World History II3
HIST 103 History of Western Civilization I 3
HIST 104 History of Western Civilization II3
HIST 111 United States History I 3
HIST 112 United States History II 3
JAPANESE 101 Elementary Japanese I 4
JAPANESE 102 Elementary Japanese II 4
LATIN 211 Elementary Classical Latin 4
LATIN 212 Advanced Classical Latin 4
MATH 160 Survey of Calculus 4
MATH 170 Calculus I 4
MATH 254 Introduction to Statistics 3
PHYS 101 Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 104 Life in the Universe4
PHYS 105 Stars and Cosmology 4
POLS 101 American National Government 3
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 102 Social Problems3
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I4
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II4
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I4
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II4

Major Specific Courses

Classes specific to certain majors at Boise State and can also be used as electives

Course TitleCredits
ACCT 205 Introduction to Financial Accounting3
BUS 101 Business for the New Generation3
CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CS 101 Introduction to Computer Science Principles3
CS 121 Computer Science I4
CS 221 Computer Science II3
ENGR 115 Idaho Aerospace Scholar2
HLTH 101 Medical Terminology3
ITM 104 Operating Systems and Word Processing Topics1
ITM 105 Spreadsheet Topics2
ITM 106 Database Topics1
KINES 121 Taping and Wrapping Techniques in Athletic Training1
KINES 140 Personal Health3
KINES 220 Introduction to Athletic Injuries3
MATH 144 Precalculus II: Trigonometry2
MATH 175 Calculus II4
MATH 189 Discrete Mathematics4
THEA 102 Beginning Ballet I1
THEA 210 Repertory Dance2

College Prep Classes

Classes to help students prepare for and succeed in college that count for elective credits

Course TitleCredits
ACAD 101 Academic Success Topics3
ACAD 108 Career and Life Planning2
LIBR 106 Library Research Skills I1
LIBR 206 Library Research Skills II2