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Publishing Opportunity: Pedagogical Innovations in Higher Education

Stack of orange and blue notebooks
Branded stock images, studying, by Priscilla Grover

The field of education is constantly evolving; globalization as well as economic and technological changes are only a few reasons why. Are you implementing creative and effective teaching strategies in your classroom that are the result of such changes? Have you considered sharing these with the wider teaching and learning community?

The special issue “Pedagogical Innovations in Higher Education” offered by the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, a Q2 ranked Scopus journal, invites manuscripts on such critical topics including creativity in teaching and learning, educational technology, assessment and standards, education for sustainable development, learning analytics, and educational leadership.

List of Topic Areas:

  • creativity in teaching and learning
  • educational technology
  • assessment and standards
  • education for sustainable development
  • learning analytics
  • educational leadership

Are you interested? Devshikha Bose, the CTL’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning consultant, is available to talk with faculty who would like to submit proposals. Feel free to email her at