About Us
Mission Statement
The Center for Teaching and Learning supports innovative, transformative, and equitable education at Boise State University. The CTL promotes excellent teaching, empowers educators in their ongoing growth as scholarly practitioners, and helps the university advance the public good by creating spaces for instructors to learn in community. In collaboration with campus partners, the Center helps instructors embrace evidence-based and emerging pedagogies through experimentation, learning, and reflection. The CTL serves students by serving the educators who teach them, advocating for inclusive learning environments where every student can excel.
Campus locations
The Center for Teaching and Learning occupies two office suites on campus, in classroom buildings west of the main quad.
- The “CTL@ILC” is located in Room 315 of the Interactive Learning Center (ILC). This space includes CTL staff offices and our main presentation room that is used as an instructor learning space for workshops and events.
- The “CTL@RFH” is located in Room 313 of Riverfront Hall (RFH). This space houses the Service-Learning team, an important unit within the CTL that focuses on students working in the community in conjunction with classes they take at Boise State to broaden their learning experience.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Center for Teaching and Learning
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1005
Phone: (208) 426-4610
E-Mail: CTL@boisestate.edu