The Service-Learning Exhibition (SLx) is a unique opportunity for students to showcase how they applied their coursework to current community issues, made a positive community impact, and deepened their learning. The SLx is an open forum for students to interact with faculty, community partners, and university leaders. Held every spring and fall semester, the SLx’s diversity of disciplines and projects illustrates the broad reach of Boise State University’s commitment to community engagement. This event is an excellent opportunity to hear faculty and student perspectives on service-learning and discover new service-learning models and projects.
Join the SLx in person on April 24, 2024, 4-6pm in the Student Union Simplot Ballroom. We hope you can drop by anytime. Can’t make it to the in person event? The student posters can also be viewed online April 24 – May 1, 2024. Prepare to be inspired.
To learn more, visit the SLx website.