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Resources for Effective and Efficient Teaching

Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic presents us with new and unique challenges. (We can say it… it is hard!). The following resources have been curated to support teaching so that our efforts are effective for students and help us to maintain our own wellness as faculty.


  • Using Zoom for In-person and Remote Students.  If you are teaching face to face, with students joining you remotely, this resource has suggestions for doing this juggling act successfully.
  • A Quick Guide to Using Classroom Technology. This resource collects resources from a variety of LTS and OIT sources to provide faculty with a quick overview of how to use classroom technology.
  • Supporting Students to Create Study Groups.  With social distancing and less interaction before/after class, we can help students to connect with each other to continue learning outside of class.
  • Tips for Efficient Teaching.  This set of resources, summarized from a National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity webinar, are designed to help faculty plan and execute teaching both effectively and efficiently.
  • Active Learning Across Modalities.  Ideas for engaging students, regardless of teaching modality.  Generated in summer 2020 as part of the Flexible Teaching for Student Success Institutes, it includes ideas for synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning environments.
  • Resources for Flexible Teaching.  A collection of ideas, including links to readings and resources using during the Flexible Teaching for Student Success Institutes in Summer 2020.
  • Support for Specific Technologies.  The Learning Technologies Knowledge Base answers to questions about institutionally supported technology such as Canvas, Zoom, Panopto and Flipgrid