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Expressing Disagreement

Expressing Disagreement Before, During and After an Event

Even if speech, signs or images are hateful or offensive, they are likely still protected by the First Amendment.


  • Do not respond physically; keep your distance
  • Even though you may find it offensive, it is likely protected free speech.
  • Consider organizing an appropriate, nonviolent response
  • Report your concerns. Reach out for support and/or report it to the Office of Institutional Compliance if you believe it may constitute a policy violation.
  • If you believe conduct during free speech activities violates one or more criminal laws, including Idaho Code §18-7901, contact the Boise Police department at 911, campus security at 6-6911 or (208) 426-6911 or in the event of a non-emergency, call Boise Police non-emergency dispatch at (208) 377-6790.


  • Use social media to start a conversation about what’s going on and begin to build support and/or discussion around your ideas and/or opposition to the proposed event.
  • Ask the Arbiter to write an article about the issue. Write letters to the editor.
  • Reach out to student organizations that may be interested in the issue.
  • See if the issue fits within ASBSU’s shared governance model or, have them write a resolution in support or in opposition.
  • Start petitions to send to campus, local, state, and federal officials to communicate your position.
  • Use the expertise of faculty and staff to conduct informal lectures or discussions.
  • Schedule a meeting with university representatives best able to address your concerns.


Peaceful, non-disruptive protest is OK as long as it doesn’t create a disturbance or keep the speaker from communicating their message. (Examples are messages on t-shirts, putting tape over your mouth, or turning your back to the speaker.)You may conduct a peaceful protest or picketing with flyers, petitions, singing or chants as long as it is in an open public space and does not disturb the event or the people who wish to attend.
You may leave the area as long as you don’t obstruct the presentationYou may not block entrances or exits, impede traffic, or prevent people from entering, hearing, seeing or leaving the event.
If you are disruptive and don’t comply with orders to leave the area, you will be violating Boise State’s code of conduct, which is grounds for discipline or prosecution.You may not disrupt university functions or the normal use of a certain space, such as a classroom, office, laboratory, residence, or dining area.
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