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Rock Preparation Lab (ERB-1114)

Initial rock sample preparation is housed in a single comprehensive laboratory serviced by a Nederman Modular Filtration System with HEPA filtration and four articulating point-source fume arms. The equipment in this laboratory includes:

  1. a full rock cutting and polishing suite including a variety of diamond saws, a thin section cut-off saw, grinding wheels, vibramat slab polisher, and impregnation equipment for thin section and mineral mount preparation;
  2. a full rock crushing and first-stage mineral separation suite including a Bico jaw crusher, a Bico rotary disc mill, shaker sieves, and pyramid-style water table for water-based density separation;
  3. a full rock powdering suite including a Spex ball mill and Shatterbox with alumina grinding vessels for geochemical powder preparation.

Rock preparation lab featuring Nederman MFS HEPA-filtration.


Bico “Chipmunk” jaw crusher and direct-drive disk mill.


Diamond slab saw.


Thin-section laboratory including cut-off saw and thinner, polishing wheels, vibramat slab polisher, and vertical milling machine.
watertableboth_340Pyramid-type water table for density separation of mineral sands.
shatterbox_340Spex shatterbox.

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