Young Kyun Baek
Recent Courses taught
EDTECH 535: Digital Engagement for Learning; EDTECH 536: Educational Game Design; EDTECH 532: Educational Simulations; EDTECH 542: Tech-Supported Project-Based Learning; EDTECH 565: Advanced Educational Game Design; EDTECH 698: Seminar in Educational Technology
Research Interests
Game-Based Learning, Educational Robotics, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence in Education, and Mobile Learning.
Recent Publications:
- Increasing Elementary Students’ Computational Thinking Skills Using a Multifaceted Robotics-Based Intervention
- Exploring Factors That Influence Computational Thinking Skills in Elementary Students’ Collaborative Robotics
- Not just fun, but serious strategies: Using meta-cognitive strategies in game-based learning
- What makes teachers use technology in the classroom? Exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a Korean sample