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FAQs for Prospective Students

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Prospective Students

Note: Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Graduate College’s website Graduate Catalog.

If you can’t find answers here, contact the Educational Technology Department Office at (208) 426-1966 or

Who can I ask to find out if my transcripts have arrived?

You can find the answer by logging into myBoiseState.  Once you have created your account, go to your Student Center and look for your “to-do” list located in the right navigation.  If there are no transcripts listed as initiated on your “to-do” list, your transcripts have arrived. If any transcripts are listed as initiated, they have not arrived.  You can also contact the for answers.

I haven’t heard anything about being accepted yet. Who can I ask about the status of my application?

If you’ve uploaded your essay into your application or submitted it to, along with your Program Development Form (ePDF), and have not yet been admitted, please get in touch with our Admission Adviser at

Is this program accredited?

Yes, we are accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, one of the six regional accrediting agencies authorized by the U.S. Department of Education. Further, the College of Education is fully accredited by NCATE, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Our program is in full alignment with AECT Standards for programs in instructional design, as well.

What kind of master’s degrees does this program offer?

We offer our M.E.T. (Masters in Educational Technology). Visit EdTech Programs

How long does it take to complete this program?

Most of our students work full time and take six credits (two courses) each semester and finish in about 2 to 2.5 years.  It depends on how many classes you can take each semester. Each master’s degree requires 11 courses.

How long can I take to finish this program?

You have 7 years to complete a master, and 4 years to complete a certificate program.

How many credits are required in this master’s program?

30-semester credits, Ten 3-semester credit courses.

Is the GRE required?

No, we do not require GREs for our master’s programs or our Educational Specialist program.  GREs are required for our doctoral program.

What kind of GPA is required for admission?

We require a minimum GPA of 3.0, however, we can accept students provisionally if their GPAs are between 2.75 – 2.99.  Provisional students must complete the first 4 courses with a B or better in each course, to be admitted with regular status.

Are there any residency requirements?

No. All of our classes are 100% online. Students never have to come to campus to earn our degrees.  But, we invite you to walk in commencement! Visit Commencement Information

Can I go at my own pace?

Yes and no. All students are in highly interactive classes and have assignments that are generally due weekly. However, when you do your work is entirely up to you.

Do I have to write a thesis?

No, M.E.T. students complete a digital portfolio to demonstrate competency.

Can I take classes before I am accepted into the master’s program?

Degree-seeking students must be officially accepted before they can register for and take classes.

Non-degree-seeking students may complete as many credits as they’d like, but a maximum of 9 credit hours can be taken outside our master’s programs and transferred in—whether those credits were earned elsewhere or at Boise State. Also, we welcome students who want to take a class or two to fulfill electives in a master’s program at another institution.

If I earn one of the graduate certificates and then decide to pursue a master’s degree, will my certificate credits apply to the master’s degree?

Absolutely, as long as your coursework has been completed within seven years.

Does my degree have to be in education, and do I have to be a certificated teacher to apply for the master’s program?

No. Most of our students are K-12 teachers, but others work in higher education, educational agencies,  educational organizations, or administration. Some students are seeking career changes and may be working from home while raising children. All we ask is that you have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Do I have to buy a computer to complete this program?

No, but you will need ready access to one, and a broadband internet connection is strongly recommended.

What are the employment opportunities for teachers with master’s degrees in Educational Technology?

Depending on your concentration, you will develop expertise in instructional design, online teaching, school technology coordination, technology integration into the classroom curriculum, and more. Our students work in K-12 and higher education settings, or in e-learning corporations. See our Jobs section for more information.

Is financial aid available?

Yes, the federal student loan program provides the funding for master’s and doctoral degree students. Financial aid is not available for graduate certificates alone, but will be provided if a student enrolls simultaneously in a certificate and a degree program. Visit Financial Aid

Can I transfer graduate credit from another university to meet my degree requirements?

We can accept nine-semester credits from accredited institutions if the credits are not over five years old and are full-fee academic credits, as opposed to professional development credits. In other words, if the credits could have been applied toward a master’s degree at the granting institution, we would likely accept them. You will need to submit the Request for Approval of Transfer Credits form. Visit Graduate College forms

If I apply to the master’s program, can I also earn a graduate certificate?

Yes, but you will need to apply for both programs separately and pay two application fees – $65.00 or a degree program and $65.00 for a certificate program. You must apply for a certificate program before finishing your first course towards it. There is no extra tuition or time required to complete both programs simultaneously.

Disability Accommodations

I need special accommodations due to a disability. What do I need to do to be sure I can fully participate in my classes?

Students with federally recognized disabilities who need special accommodations to fully participate in classes should contact the Educational Access Center (EAC). All accommodations must be approved through the EAC Center prior to being implemented. To learn more about the accommodation process, visit the Educational Access Center(EAC) website or via email at Phone: (208) 426-1583.

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