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Work-Study Request

Waitlist Closed

The waitlist for 2023-2024 is CLOSED.

We have exceeded our annual funding allowance at this time.

2024-2025 Waitlist Not Open Yet

The waitlist for 2024-2025 is not yet open. We are currently evaluating and offering initial awards to eligible students. If you do not get an initial award and are interested in work-study, please check back in mid-late May to submit a request.

Initial Awards

We offer automatic, initial awards each year in late April or early May for students who meet eligibility criteria for the upcoming fall semester. Priority is given to students who earned work-study in the previous year, followed by those who indicate they are interested in work-study on their FAFSA and have higher “unmet need” in their cost of attendance formula. After initial awards are made, we award any remaining funds to students from this waitlist in date order of when the requests are submitted and who are eligible. If offered, you will receive an email with instructions to accept your award and how to find a job.