Victim of Identity Theft?
If you are a victim of identity theft and have been chosen for the financial aid verification process, instead of an IRS Tax Return Transcript, you can complete the following:
- Call the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) toll-free number at 800-908-4490.
- Ask IPSU to mail an “alternate paper tax return transcript” also known as TRDBV (Transcript DataBase View).
- Make a copy of the “alternative paper tax return transcript,” write your full name and Boise State Student ID number at the top of the first page, and submit to Boise State Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.
- Write, sign, and date a statement indicating that you were a victim of IRS tax-related identify theft and that the IRS has been made aware of the tax-related identify theft. Make certain that your name and ID are on the statement and that your signature is a handwritten signature.
Submitting Documents
Recommended methods for submitting documents, in order of preference are:
- In person (so documents can be reviewed in case there are omissions)
- Faxed to (208) 426-1305 (make certain your name and student ID are at the top)
- U.S. Postal Mail: while this is an acceptable method, delivery is slower and you may have difficulty determining if the mail is lost or simply delayed
- Note: We are unable to accept any documents by email that include a Social Security number.