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Section 6. Marketing Your Organization

6. Marketing Your Organization

6.1 Promotions Review

Student organizations often create promotional materials such as flyers, posters, postcards, apparel, stickers, advertising (social media, radio, print/online news, etc.), and banners to solicit interest in their groups or to market events or activities they are sponsoring or cosponsoring. A promotions review covers only the technical processing and presentation impact of materials and does not extend to editorial control of the message content. Completing a promotions review for content is encouraged, but not required unless the following conditions apply:

  • A student organization is advertising a fundraiser of any kind.
  • Purchasing any promotional or merchandise items for organization.
  • University trademarks are used.

6.2 Advertising On-Campus

  1. Flyers, banners and other advertisements may not be hung on walls or other surfaces with the exception of community bulletin boards. Recognized student organizations do have many opportunities to promote events by working with staff from the Student Union Building.
    1. Poster Distribution – The Information Desk in the Student Union Building will post flyers at no cost for recognized student organizations in various approved locations across campus. Please visit the Information Desk website for information on cost and poster size requirements. A Purchase Request is required for any costs associated with poster creation, printing, or off-campus distribution. 
    2. Digital Kiosks Advertising – Digital kiosks are strategically placed throughout the Student Union Building to provide information and content for students and guests of Boise State. The purpose of the digital kiosks is to promote university services, events, and activities. Recognized student organizations can use this service at no cost. Please visit the Information Desk website for information on digital image size requirements. A Purchase Request is required for any costs with the creation of any digital promotions. 
    3. Outdoor Kiosks – Kiosk space can be reserved at no cost for hanging large banners outside the Student Union Building. Space can be reserved once a month, per group, depending upon availability. View the Information Desk website for information on banner size requirements. A Purchase Request is required for any costs for the creation of a banner for outdoor kiosks. 
    4. Toilet Talk – Student Organizations may add a small “blurb” or image to the weekly Toilet Talk posted in the first floor Student Union Building bathrooms. Please visit the Information Desk website for information on submitting a Toilet Talk “blurb.”