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3MT 2023 Competitors

Competitor List

Ashley Leavell — Biology, M.S.

Biochar Impacts on Soil and Sagebrush Seedling Establishment in the Sagebrush Steppe

Steve Gabbitas — Master of Business Adminstration

Bridging the Gap: From Education to Employment

Ajay Reddy Pisati — Civil Engineering, M.S.

Evaluating the Effect of Fines Content on Shear Strength of MICP Treated Infills for Geocells

Bridget Bittmann — Hydrologic Sciences, M.S.

How are Urbanization and Climate Affecting Irrigation Water Demand in the Lower Boise River Basin?

Arden Engel — Biology, M.S.

Interactive Effects of Microbial Community Structure and Soil Moisture on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Performance

Kaci Parker — History, M.A.

A Revolution in their Minds: The Jesuit Expulsion and Its Impact on Education Before the French Revolution

Aman KC — Geosciences, M.S.

Greenland, A Wonderland of Ice: Mapping the Changes of Glaciers Under Changing Climate

Sarah Halperin — Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, Ph.D.

Balancing Societal Needs for Urbanization and Food Production in the Face of Farmland Loss

Cody Wolf — Biomolecular Sciences, Ph.D.

Developing New Drugs to Increase Survivability of Breast Cancer Patients

Adrian Rodriguez — Master of Public Health

Improving Hispanic Family Caregiver Projects: Identifying How Unique Barriers and Cultural Values Influence Service Utilization and Caregiver Roles

Hannah Richardson — Geoscience, M.S.

Evolving Stream Drivers in a Rapidly Warming Alaska: Examining the Source of Stream Water as Glaciers Disappear

Danielle Siegel — Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.

Is Your Baby Safe? How Rolling is Altered by Commercial Infant Products

Laci McCabe — Counseling M.A.

Effects of Media Pressure and Perfectionism on Men’s Body Image

Rebecca Miller — Materials Science and Engineering, Ph.D.

Implementing a Sacrificial Polymer Layer to Enable the Recyclability of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) in Packaging Release Liners

Kym Couch — Public Policy and Administration, Ph.D.

Unheard Victims of COVID-19: The Impact of Mask Use on Communication for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

Dalton Miller — Chemistry M.S.

Quantification of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species from Cold Atomospheric-Pressure Plasma for Bacterial Inactivation