ITHS continually strives to fund novel, innovative, and collaborative translational and clinical research. To advance this mission, the ITHS Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies program is requesting applications for three funding categories to be awarded from 2018-2019.

Research Innovation Award
Improving the conduct of clinical trial research.
The Research Innovation Award supports specific clinical or translational research questions that can also act as a vehicle to develop new methods, policies, or procedures that will aid in the conduct of research.
Award: Up to $100,000
Letter of Intent Due: July 15, 2017
Applications Due: August 15, 2017
Collaboration Innovation Awards
Supporting interdisciplinary collaborations in translational research.
The Collaboration Innovation Awards are intended to encourage the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations between investigators in projects that address critical transitions in translational research.
Award: Up to $50,000
Letter of Intent Due: July 15, 2017
Applications Due: August 15, 2017
Academic / Community Partnership Research Awards
Supporting collaborations between academic and community investigators.
The Academic/ Community Partnership Award proposed work should focus on a problem, issue, or intervention that is important to the community.
Award: Up to $20,000
Letter of Intent Due: July 15, 2017
Applications Due: August 15, 2017

Early Investigator Voucher Awards
Providing translational research studies with critical support.
ITHS is offering Voucher Awards as “in-kind” service vouchers for IRB or IACUC approved or exempt investigations in support of outstanding translational research.
Award: Up to $3,000
Applications Due: July 1, October 1,January 1, April 1
Early Investigator Catalyst Awards
Supporting research efforts of junior investigators.
The Early Investigator Catalyst Award program provides “just-in-time” resources to investigators looking to complete a project or collect pilot data for a larger grant application.
Award: Up to $5,000
Applications Due: July 1, October 1, January 1, April 1

The Institute is supported by grants UL1 TR002319, KL2 TR002317, and TL1 TR002318 from the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program (CTSA). Please help us continue to support your research by citing our grant number(s) in publications we supported.