Kimberly Rauscher
Kimberly Rauscher, ScD, MA
Work-related Injury Prevention
Office: Health Sciences Riverside – Room 111
Department: Department of Community and Environmental Health
Keywords: Occupational Safety and Health Policy, Adolescent Workers, Workplace Violence,
Research Profile:
Dr. Rauscher’s research focuses on occupational injury prevention and health and safety policy with an emphasis on adolescent workers. One theme in her research has been the relationship between employer violations of the US child labor laws and adolescent worker injury. Dr. Rauscher has also led studies on socioeconomic disparities in adolescent work injury risk, occupational health literacy among youth, and work quality and its impacts on adolescent well-being. Her research has appeared in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, the International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, the Journal of Adolescent Health, and the American Journal of Public Health. She has secured over 3.3 million dollars in federal grant funding as PI and today is leading the first national study of workplace violence among young workers ages 14-24 in the US. This study will provide important data on the workplace violence experiences of youth, including their exposures to sexual harassment/assault and bullying. This work is funded by an R01 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Current Funding:
Dr. Rauscher’s research funding comes primarily from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Additional Information:
“Adolescent Occupational Injuries,” recorded for Public Health Minute produced for National Public Radio by the Lehman College School of Health Sciences.
“Your Construction Safety Program: Safe Students, Safe Workers A Guide for Administrators & Instructors in Post-Secondary Career Technical Education (CTE) Construction Programs.” Authors: Bush D, Rauscher, KJ, Chang C, Myers D, and Scruggs, K.
- The following supplemental materials* are also available. 1. 20 Questions to Find out How You and Your Program Are Doing. 2. 10-minute On-line Assessment Tool. *Separate versions for instructors and administrators are available.