Megan Smith
Megan L. Smith, Ph.D.
Adolescent Health: Risk and Protective Factors
Phone: (208) 426-3335
Office: HSRV #102
Keywords: Adolescent Health, Healthy Development, Substance Abuse Prevention, Mental Health Prevention, Identity, Advocacy, Community Organizing
Research Profile:
Dr. Megan L. Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community & Environmental Health. Dr. Smith received her Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies from the College of Education and Human Services at West Virginia University in 2015. She has a teaching degree from California State University Chico (2008) and a BA in Psychology (with an emphasis on diverse populations and education) from University of California, Santa Cruz (2006). Dr. Smith’s research builds upon education, human development, and public health science to study the contextual factors that promote or thwart health outcomes (particularly substance abuse, mental health, and sexual risk behavior) for young people. Previously a K-12 teacher, she often focuses on the school environment. While working for the WVU School of Public Health, she served as Director of Child & Adolescent Health initiatives for the Prevention Research Center. She is currently on the evaluation team for SAMSHA/West Virginia Department of Education’s Project AWARE, promoting emotional health and safety in West Virginia public schools. She is proud to be a member of the international Planet Youth team to promote the notion that true prevention is possible if you start at the community level and change the culture of health. She is committed to public health advocacy and deeply believes it is the mission of public health professionals to continue to advocate for and champion health equity for all.
Additional Information:
Planet youth is a guidance program that aims at creating a better future for youth. Click the “Planet Youth” link to learn more about this program.