Three faculty members in the Department of Public Health and Population Science — Andy Hyer, Lee Hannah, and Sarah Toevs — and Boise State political science professor Ross Burkhart co-authored an article published in the Idaho Law Review, entitled: “Paying for Long-Term Care in the Gem State: A Survey of the Federal and State Laws Influencing How Long-Term Care Services for Idaho’s Growing Aged and Disabled Populations Are—and Will Be—Funded.”
The need for long-term care (LTC) services in Idaho are expected to increase dramatically as the state’s population ages, and the cost of providing such services is also expected to grow at a staggering rate in coming years. This policy survey takes a comprehensive look at the various federal and state laws impacting how such services are paid for in Idaho, whether it be Medicaid, LTC insurance, home equity, or other means. In providing such “a foundational overview of the current policy landscape affecting LTC funding in Idaho,” the article serves as a valuable resource for policymakers considering ways to reform LTC funding policies in Idaho and demographically similar states. Such an overview should also prove a helpful resource to individuals, financial planners, attorneys, health care professionals and others seeking to understand the complex LTC financing system.
The faculty involved in this “cross-college” effort came together through the Boise State University Center for the Study of Aging and were supported through a grant from the College of Social Science and Public Affairs. As the “scholarly voice of the University of Idaho College of Law,” the Idaho Law Review has been “a valuable resource for judges, practitioners, and scholars around the country for more than 40 years.”
Full citation: Andrew M. Hyer et al., Paying for Long-Term Care in the Gem State, 48 Idaho L. Rev. 351 (2012). The article is available on the Law Review’s website at: http://www.uidaho.edu/law/law-review/articles