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COHS Promotion and Tenure Policy

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Boise State University College of Health Sciences Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

COHS Policy #210

Effective Date: March 12, 1990
Revised Date: October 5, 2015

Revised September 2015 to adopt the University Policy on Promotion and Tenure (Policy # 4340 – approved April, 2015) as the College of Health Sciences’ promotion and tenure policy, Policy #210, with the following two additions:

  1. Candidates must show evidence of having achieved an average of one (1) peer reviewed publication per year; and
  2. Contents of the candidate portfolio (Binders #1 & #2) will be formatted as per Boise State University policy and the Deans’ preference. (Must include:  Table of contents, tabs, pagination)

Please see related University policies as listed below:

4310 – Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee–Duties and Composition Revision Date: January, 2016

4320 – Faculty Peer Review Revision Date: July 1, 1995

4560 – Faculty Workload Policy Revision Date: January 2020

This policy will become official for faculty members whose employment commences during the 2016-2017 academic year. Promotion and tenure will be granted based on the policies in place at the time of appointment to the tenure-track faculty position.