Boise State University
Fall 2020
VIP 200/400/500: Vertically Integrated Projects: Environmental Sustainability
(Co-instructor: Vicken Hillis, with lead instructor Kelly Hopping)
HES 597, DATA-LA 420, ANTH 420, SOC 420, PSYC 420: Social Network Analysis
Spring 2020
VIP 200/400/500: Vertically Integrated Projects: Environmental Sustainability
(Co-instructor: Vicken Hillis, with Kelly Hopping and Jodi Brandt)
HES 220: Complex Systems and Sustainability
HES 597, DATA-LA 420, ANTH 497/597, PSYC 497: Social Network Analysis
HES 598: Rangeland Social-Ecological Systems
(Co-instructor: Vicken Hillis, with Kelly Hopping)
HES 598: Human-Environment Systems Seminar
Spring 2019
HES 220: Complex Systems and Sustainability
Fall 2018
DATA-LA 420, ANTH 497/597, HES 597: Social Network Analysis
Spring 2018
ANTH 297, BIOL 297, ENVSTD 297, GEOS 297, HES 297: Complex Systems and Sustainability
Fall 2017
HES 597, BIOL 597, GEOS 597, PUBADM 597: Research Methods in Human-Environment Systems Science
(Co-instructor: Vicken Hillis, with Jodi Brandt and Neil Carter)
Spring 2017
HES 597, BIOL 597, GEOS 597, PUBADM 597: Research Methods in Human-Environment Systems Science
(Co-instructor: Vicken Hillis, with Jodi Brandt and Neil Carter)