I am currently enrolled in the State of Idaho Blue Cross health insurance offered through Boise State. Do I need to do anything to continue my current coverage?
If you are eligible and enrolled for insurance through Boise State your current coverage is not affected by the PPACA.
What is the health insurance exchange? Where do I get information about what is offered through the exchange?
In Idaho, the health insurance exchange is called “Your Health Idaho.” The Your Health Idaho health insurance marketplace is where individuals, families and small businesses of up to 50 employees can easily shop for, compare and choose a health insurance plan that is right for them. Idaho residents can find detailed information about Your Health Idaho’s marketplace here. Complete exchange details will be available on or after October 1st. Additional information may be found on the federal site: www.healthcare.gov.
What plans are available through Your Health Idaho?
There are many health insurance plans offered from a variety of Idaho insurance companies on Idaho’s insurance marketplace for qualifying individuals.
Who can enroll in the Idaho health insurance exchange?
Idahoans who are currently uninsured or those that have a plan and want to look for different coverage can shop on Your Health Idaho. While there is a specific annual open enrollment period, individuals experiencing a loss of other coverage or certain life events may be able to obtain coverage at other times during the year.
What are the differences between the State of Idaho Blue Cross Plan offered to eligible employees at Boise State and the coverage available through the health insurance exchange?
Summaries of the Blue Cross plans available to eligible employees of the university are available on the Office of Group Insurance website.
How do I compare the cost of coverage under the health insurance exchange with the employee premiums for the Boise State Blue Cross Plan?
You may compare premium cost information for plans offered through the health insurance exchange with the current Blue Cross employee premiums found on the schedule posted here: view premium rates.
Note: Keep in mind that the premiums deducted through Boise State University payroll deduction may be paid on a pre-tax basis, while the premiums for coverage purchased through the exchange will be after-tax, and no university payroll deduction is available.
When can I enroll in coverage through the health insurance exchange?
The open enrollment period is generally between November 1 and January 31 each year.
I am currently enrolled in the Blue Cross health insurance offered through Boise State. Will I be able to save money by enrolling in coverage through the health insurance exchange?
1) Boise State will not provide a contribution towards the cost of coverage purchased through the exchange.
2) Since Boise State coverage meets the “affordability” and “minimum essential coverage” tests of the law, you will not be eligible for premium subsidies through the exchange, regardless of your household income. You will pay the full premium of any coverage you might choose for yourself through the exchange while still eligible for coverage through Boise State.
I am not currently eligible for State of Idaho health insurance through Boise State. Will I be able to enroll in the university’s plan now?
The eligibility rules for State of Idaho insurance through Blue Cross are not changing at this time. If you are not expected to work at least 20 hours per week for five consecutive months, you will not be eligible for this insurance, but you may select a plan through the health insurance marketplace. If your hours change or you leave the university and return to a position that is not eligible for full benefits, in some circumstances you may be eligible to enroll in health insurance under the provisions of the PAPCA.
Am I required to enroll my spouse and/or children for health insurance?
No, however, effective January 1, 2014, individuals age 18 or older may be required to enroll in health insurance through their employer, their spouse’s employer, the new health insurance exchange, individual insurance, or through Medicare/Medicaid, if eligible.
Can I pay for health insurance coverage I purchase through the exchange through payroll deduction at Boise State?
No. You can only pay for that insurance directly, with after-tax dollars
I am not currently benefit eligible at Boise State. How much will it cost for me to enroll in health insurance through the marketplace? Will I qualify for a subsidy from the government?
The amount of premium assistance that individuals and families may be eligible for depends on your income, employment status and household size. While the exact amount of premium assistance will vary, some level of premium assistance may be available to individuals, depending on household income and the number of people in the household.
What happens if I do not enroll in health insurance as of January 1st?
If you choose not to purchase a health insurance plan with basic minimum standards, you could face a penalty of either $95 a year or 1% of your taxable income, whichever is greater. This penalty will increase over time:
- In 2015, it will be the greater of $325 per adult or 2 percent of taxable income.
- In 2016, it will be the greater of $695 per adult or 2.5 percent of taxable income.
- After 2016, the tax penalty increases annually based on a cost-of-living adjustment.
- The uninsured will not have to pay a penalty if they:
- Are uninsured less than 3 months of the year
- Are determined to be low-income and coverage is considered unaffordable
- Not required to file a tax return because their income is too low
- Are a member of a federally recognized tribe
Is Boise State changing policies regarding adjunct work load?
The adjunct workload for all appointments combined is limited to 11 credits per semester, including summer, starting after the end of the FY14 spring semester.
Are there going to be restrictions on student employee work load?
Currently, no changes have been made to the policies for student work load. The student employment policy is currently under review. Should there be any changes, the campus will be notified.