Advising Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do with a major in Kinesiology?
Human Performance and Exercise Science Emphasis
The Human Performance and Exercise Science emphasis focuses on the scientific principles of strength and conditioning, human performance, and exercise. This emphasis will prepare student for the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential and exam. In addition, this emphasis will prepare student for graduate study in the area of human performance.
Neuromechanical Science Emphasis
The Neuromechanical Science emphasis develops an understanding of the mechanical principals of human movement in sports and exercise. It is designed to prepare students for graduate study in Biomechanics, biomedical engineering, or ergonomics.
Pre-Allied Health Emphasis
The Pre-Allied Health (Medical Science) emphasis is designed to provide students with a pathway to graduate programs in Medicine (e.g. DO, MD, DC, PA) following completion of their undergraduate degree. Students should be aware of deadlines and requirements established by professional schools and testing organizations.
Rehabilitation Science Emphasis (including Pre-Athletic Training)
The Rehabilitation Science emphasis is designed to provide students with a pathway to graduate programs in Athletic Training, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and other rehabilitation science related professional programs. This emphasis focuses on the fundamental knowledge and skills related to human movement and function, including exercise prescription for health and wellness, injury prevention, and the treatment of human movement dysfunctions.
Students interested in pursing Athletic Training can select two different pathways at BSU, the Accelerated MAT 5-year (3+2) degree plan and the traditional BS in Kinesiology with Rehabilitation Science emphasis.
The K-12 Physical Education Bachelor of Science Degree provides students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for success in teaching physical education in the elementary and secondary schools. Candidates who complete this program meet the Idaho Beginning Teacher Standards and are eligible for recommendation for state teaching certification.
What is the best way to get in touch with a Kinesiology Advisor?
Phone numbers, office locations, and email addresses of all Kinesiology Departmental advisors are listed on the advisor list page.
As a transfer student, who should I contact to get help?
You should contact a departmental advisor. Seek advice from the advisor who has been assigned to your major. If you are seeking advising in the summer or during holiday breaks, it is best to seek out the Central Advisor for more information.
I am a transfer student and would like to see if my previous coursework will count toward a Boise State University Kinesiology degree. What should I do?
Contact the Central Advisor for the Department of Kinesiology. The advisor will review your external credit report, transcripts from your previous institution(s), and a course description for all courses you wish to petition to count toward your Kinesiology Degree. Courses taken outside the Kinesiology Department must be approved by the Department Chair of the Department where the course would best fit i.e. Biology courses must be approved by the Biology Department.
*IMPORTANT–decisions regarding transfer courses are made at the time of admission to the university by transcript evaluators in the Registrar’s Office.
I am a certified teacher and wish to pursue an endorsement in Physical Education or Health?
Check the Idaho State Department of Education website. There is information about select courses needed to obtain any endorsement, not just physical education and health. Next, check the course catalog for the semester you wish to enroll. Also call the department and ask for the course offering sheet that delineates courses offered over the next few years. Lastly, schedule an appointment with the Chair of Kinesiology to confirm that the classes you propose to take would count toward your desired endorsement.
I am a first year (freshman) student enrolling in the Kinesiology program at Boise State University. What courses should I take?
First year students should examine the recommended courses for their specific major, check the course schedule, and register for courses. Some courses may be closed so a few alternatives should be selected. It is important to use the Program Requirements form for your major found on the Kinesiology Department website under List of Undergraduate Programs. Below, please find a list of recommended courses for first year Kinesiology Majors.
Recommended First Year Courses For Kinesiology Majors:
- English Composition (select an appropriate English course: ENGL 90, ENGL 101, ENGL 102)
- University Foundations: Literature and Humanities (FH), Visual and Performing Arts (FA), Social Science (FS) (see “Foundational Studies Program” in the Boise State University Undergraduate Catalog, and refer to the Program Requirements form for your major found on the Kinesiology Department website under List of Undergraduate Programs)
- KINES 200, UF100
- BIOL 227
- MATH 143 (or MATH 25 or MATH 108, if required; see “Mathematics Requirement” in the Boise State University Undergraduate Catalog)
Course Selection Notes
- K-12 Physical Education Majors should take ED TECH 202 during their first year AND pass the PRAXIS I Writing Exam.