Arduino Resources
What’s an arduino?
An Arduino is a tiny-sized computer that allows you to program basic commands, and build your own circuits with sensors.
How do folks use it?
Some students and researchers have programmed Arduino to do a lot of things: programmed one to be a weather station taking humidity and temperature measurements, designed a device for visually impaired individuals to wear that senses objects in front of them, making a sound, or the student designed HAL.
What’s a HAL?
If you stop by the makerlab there is a giant server box (blue/grey) with a red button on top. Hit the red button, and it plays a random sound. There is both an Arduino and Raspberry Pi inside. Stop by and check it out.
How can I learn more?
The Circulation Desk checks out Arduinos, and the software, along with basic programs, is installed on lab computers. If you’d like a one on one session, let me know.
The MakerLab has some Arduino supplies for folks to get started prototyping their equipment and planning. Stop by during our open hours to learn more or sign up for an account on TinkerCad to use TinkerCad circuits, a digital Arduino program.
Raspberry Pi
The circulation desk checks out Raspberry Pi starter kits. Borrow a Raspberry Pi starter kit!
Each kit contains 1 Raspberry Pi model B with clear case, 1 USB to TTL serial cable, 1 USB power supply with micro USB cable, 1 GPIO ribbon cable with breakout board, 1 breadboard, 1 HDMI cable, 1 8GB sound card, 1 wireless Wifi adapter, 65 jumper wires ; shipping box 17 x 26 x 6 cm.
Set up your Raspberry Pi
Raspbian Installer
Books for getting started
Project ideas from Instructables
Autodesk Circuits – online prototyping tool
Which One Should I Use?
We recommend starting with the Arduino.
Not sure which to use for your project? Here is a brief article that talks about the differences between a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino.