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Finding Data

If you’re looking for data that you can use in your research or education, here are a few tips:

Try a data repository. You can find a variety of repositories at

See if the libguide for your discipline has listed any data sources. You can get to the guides by using the Guides tab on the main library home page or at All Guides Boise State

Try using Google Advanced Search
•    Include search terms like data or table
•    Google ignores the word AND as a search operator. But typing OR in all caps will find similar or related terms (e.g. women OR females OR girls).
•    Search for a particular document type (e.g. childhood obesity filetype:xls)
•    Search for data on a particular site or domain (e.g. childhood obesity
•    Exclude words by using the “-” sign in front of the word you wish to exclude

Updated Daily–InfoDocket: “Reference Resources Roundup (Curated Collection of Recently Published/Updated Data-Rich Reports Available on the Web)”