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Set Theory and Logic at Boise State University


Headshot of Liljana Babinkostova

Liljana Babinkostova
Research: set-theoretic topology, selection principles, covering properties, covering dimension.

Headshot of John Clemens

John Clemens
Research: Descriptive set theory, Borel complexity theory, computability theory, and applications to ergodic theory and analysis.

Headshot of Samuel Coskey

Samuel Coskey
Research: Borel complexity theory and applications its applications to group theory, model theory, analysis, and combinatorics.

Headshot of Randall Holmes

Randall Holmes
Research: Quine’s New Foundations NF and related theories such as Jensen’s NFU, and computer-assisted reasoning.

Headshot placeholder

Marion Scheepers
Research: set theory, set-theoretic topology, selection principles, game theory, and combinatorics.

Recent visiting faculty include Masaru Kada (Osaka Prefecture University), Bruno Pansera (University of Messina), and Rodrigo Roque Dias (São Paolo).

Seminars and conferences

The Set Theory and Logic Seminar meets most weeks to discuss our ongoing research in set theory and logic, and the research of others in these fields. Students are invited and encouraged to attend.

The Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory (BEST) conference has long been a tradition of the Boise set theorists. Also visit the program archive of past BEST conferences.

Graduate program

Boise State University offers a master’s degree program in mathematics. Graduate courses in set theory and logic available at Boise State include:

  • MATH 402/502: Logic and Set Theory (Spring)
  • MATH 522: Advanced Set Theory (Fall)
  • MATH 580/581: Topics in Set Theory or Logic (run as needed)
  • Independent study (run as needed)

Our graduates

Notes from past courses

Set theory resources

A set-theoretic tree