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NMDG Ph.D. Student Receives Two Student Awards at the 2015 AAAS Pacific Division Annual Meeting


June 17, 2015Ms. Brittany L. Cannon, a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering at Boise State University and a member of the Nanoscale Materials and Device Group (NMDG), received two student oral presentation awards at the 2015 AAAS Pacific Division Annual Meeting held in San Francisco during June 14-17: the First Place Oral Sectional Award in her session Oral Session 6 – Materials Science & Physics and the Pacific Divisional Laurence M. Klauber Award.

The title of her oral presentation, “Excitonic AND Logic Gates Configured onto DNA Nanobreadboards”, is based on her recent journal publication, “Excitonic AND Logic Gates on DNA Brick Nanobreadboards”, published in the journal ACS Photonics.

The students receiving First Place Sectional Awards, approximately 15 for the 2015 meeting, are automatically judged against one another and the winner receives the Pacific Divisional Laurence M. Klauber Award. The Laurence M. Klauber Award is essentially given to the best student oral presentation of the meeting.

Ms. Cannon’s Ph.D. research advisors are Professors Bill Knowlton and Bernard Yurke, both of whom hold joint positions in the Departments of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Boise State University and were co-authors on her presentation. Her other co-authors included MSE undergraduate student Donald Kellis, Dr. Paul Davis (MSE) and Boise State University Professors Elton Graugnard (MSE), Jeunghoon Lee (MSE & Chemistry), Wan Kuang (ECE), Will Hughes (MSE). All co-authors are all members of the Nanoscale Materials and Device Group (NMDG). Ms. Cannon has a M.Eng. in MSE from Boise State University and a B.S. in Biochemistry and a minor in Mathematics from the University of Portland.