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Boise State University Student Nurses Association Bylaws


(Note: Areas of conformity are in BOLD print. These bolded
areas must be in your bylaws in order to be a NSNA chapter.)


May 20, 2022

Key Terms:

Bylaws: basic rules governing the internal affairs of the
Constituent Association: a school or state association that has
met the requirements for constituency in NSNA; state approved
associate degree, diploma, baccalaureate, and generic masters
and doctoral programs are eligible for NSNA Constituency
Corporate Charter (Articles of Incorporation): legal
document containing the name, purpose, officers, and any other
information required by the state in which the organization is
Main Motion: a proposal that brings a particular subject before
the assembly for consideration and action.
Policy: a definite course of action or proposition adopted by a
board of directors, house of delegates, or any other authorized
voting body.
Procedure: set method of conducting and managing business.
Quorum: the minimum number of officers and members of a
constituent body that must be present for the valid transaction of
Resolution: a main motion put in writing on a subject of great
importance expressed in formal wording (National Student
Nurses’ Association, 2000)


Section 1.

The name of this organization shall be the Boise State
University Student Nurses’ Association hereinafter referred to as


Section 1. The purpose of the BSU-SNA is:

  1.  To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing
    education in order to provide for the highest quality of
  2. To provide programs representative of fundamental
    interests and concerns to nursing students.
  3.  To aid in the development of the whole person, including
    his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health
    care of people in all walks of life.

Section 2. Functions

  1. To have direct input into standards of nursing education and
    influence the education process.
  2. To influence health care, nursing education and practice
    through legislative activities as appropriate.
  3. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs
    and activities towards health care and the resolution of related
    social issues.
  4. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions,
    and other organizations.
  5. To promote and encourage students’ participation in
    interdisciplinary activities.
  6. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in
    student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a
    person’s race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, age,
    gender, marital status, lifestyle, disability or economic status.
  7. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with
    nursing and health related organizations.


Section 1. School Constituent

  1. School constituent membership is composed of active or
    associate members who are members of the NSNA and the state
    association when one exists.
  2. Boise State University Student Nurses’ Association shall be
    composed of at least 10 members from (Boise State University)
    or the total school enrollment if less than 10. There shall be
    only one chapter on this school campus.
  3. For yearly recognition as a constituent, an officer of the
    (BSU-SNA) shall submit annually the Official Application for
    NSNA Constituency Status (probably secretary) which shall
    include the following areas of conformity: purpose and
    functions, membership, dues, and representation.
  4. A constituent association that fails to comply with the bylaws
    and policies of NSNA shall have its status as a constituent
    revoked by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors, provided that
    written notice of the proposed revocation has been given at least
    two months prior to the vote and the constituent association is
    given an opportunity to be heard.
  5. BSU-SNA is an entity separate and apart from NSNA and its
    administration of activities, with NSNA and Idaho SNA
    exercising no supervision or control over these immediate daily
    and regular activities. NSNA and Idaho SNA have no liability
    for any loss, damages, or injuries sustained by third parties as a
    result of the negligence or acts of BSU SNA or the members
    thereof. In the event any legal proceedings are brought against
    NSNA and Idaho SNA will indemnify and hold harmless the
    NSNA and BSU SNA from any liability.

Section 2. Categories of Constituent Membership:

Members of the constituent associations shall be:

Active members:

  • Students enrolled in the Boise State University School of
    b) Registered nurses enrolled in the Boise State University,
    School of Nursing programs leading a baccalaureate degree
    with a major in nursing.
    c) Active members shall have all the privileges of
  • Associate members:
    a) Pre-nursing students, including registered nurses, enrolled
    in the Boise State University with Nursing as a major or an
    interest in the profession of Nursing.
    b) Associate members shall have all of the privileges of
    membership except the right to hold office as president or
    vice president.
  • Individual members:
    Individual membership shall be open at the national level to
    any eligible student when membership in a constituent
    association is not available. Individual members shall have
    the privileges of membership as prescribed in NSNA bylaws.
  • Active and associate membership shall be renewable

Section 3.
Active and associate NSNA membership may be extended six
months beyond graduation from a student’s program in
nursing, providing membership was renewed while the
student was enrolled in a nursing program.


Section 1.

  1. The annual NSNA dues for new active and associate members
    in Idaho shall be $37 per member, payable for the appropriate
    dues year. The dues paid include membership in NSNA and
    Idaho SNA. The dues year for membership shall be a period of
    twelve consecutive months. Renewal dues are $40 dollars
  2. The NSNA dues for active and associate members joining
    for two years shall be $70 per member, payable for the
    appropriate dues years. The dues paid include membership
    in NSNA and Idaho SNA. The dues years for these members
    shall be a period of 24 consecutive months.
  3. The school association board of directors shall have the
    authority to change membership dues, providing such dues do
    not exceed the amounts set in these bylaws.
    a. Dues for NSNA and the Idaho SNA board of directors have
    the authority to change membership dues per allowed with
    each organization’s bylaws.
  4. National and state dues shall be payable directly to NSNA.
    NSNA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received
    on behalf of the constituent. NSNA shall not collect nor
    remit school chapter dues.
  5. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all
    privileges of membership.
  6. BSU-SNA dues shall be payable directly to BSU-SNA.
    Dues are for the full nursing program term of 5 semesters.
    Dues are $20.00.


Section 1. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and
faculty advisors.

Section 2. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers.

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Event Coordinator
  6.  Membership Recruitment
  7. Communications and Promotions Coordinator
    Committees may be determined in the future as deemed by need
    and will need to be overseen by a member of the Board of

The BSU-SNA faculty advisor/s shall be appointed by the BSU
School of Nursing.

Section 3. Eligibility

  1. All officers must be members of NSNA.
  2. The President and Vice President must meet requirements of
    Article III Section 2 Active Members.
  3. All other officers must meet requirements of Article III
    Section 2 Active Members or Associate Members.

Section 4. Term of Office
The term of office for an officer or a director is one academic
semester minimum starting the semester following that person’s
election to that position.

Section 5. Responsibilities

The Board of Directors shall be responsible for:
a) Attending the BSU-SNA Board of Directors and membership
b) Transacting business of the association between membership
meetings and shall report such transactions at the next regularly
scheduled membership meeting.
c) Filling vacancies in any office by two-thirds majority vote of
the Board of Directors except the office of President.
d) If a member of the Board of Directors steps down or is
elected off the board, the following rank will fill the position per
discretion of the board member until an elected person fills the
i. Vice President
ii. Secretary
iii. Treasurer
e) Reviewing monetary disbursements, acquisitions and
fundraising activities and shall be responsible for procuring
persons for audit of all accounts on an annual basis.

Section 3. Quorum.
A quorum for the Board of Directors shall be the president
and/or vice president, four other board members and one faculty

Section 4. Duties of the Board of Directors:

  1. The president shall:
    a) Preside at all meetings of this association, represent BSU in
    matters relating to the association, appoint special committees as
    needed, along with the Board of Directors develop the Strategic
    Action Plan and submit to the BSU School of Nursing, perform
    all other duties pertaining to the office and represent this
    association in all matters to the local state nurses association, the
    local league for nursing, state nursing student association,
    National Student Nurses’ Association, and other professional
    and student organizations.
    b) Preside at Board of Director and membership meetings
    c) Manage the Engage portal including updating the Board of
    Director positions as well as approving necessary forms
  2. The vice president shall:
    a) Assume responsibility of the office of President in the event
    of the vacancy occurring in the office until an elected person
    assumes the role.
    b) Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
    c) Assist the President as delegated and act as advisor to the
    d) Be responsible for the election process to be held no later than
    November of the fall semester and no later than April of the
    spring semester
    e) Manages action items as they arise during Board of Directors
    and membership meetings
    f) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  3. The secretary shall:
    a) Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of this
    association as directed by the President.
    b) Place a copy of the minutes from both general membership
    and Board of Directors meetings in the SNA sharepoint google
    drive folder, and to School of Nursing Administration
    c) Keep on file as a permanent record all reports, papers and
    documents submitted to the secretary.
    d) Refer to duly appointed committees the necessary records for
    the completion of business.
    e) Forward minutes to the state nursing student association
    board as well as the names and addresses of all officers and
    committee chairpersons after their election or appointment.
    f) Deliver to the newly elected Secretary all association papers.
    g) Maintain a record of attendance at both general and Board of
    Directors meetings.
    h) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  4. The treasurer shall:
    a) Serve as chairperson of the budget/finance committee.
    b) Submit financial reports to the membership as directed by the
    c) Prepare financial reports submitted at the monthly Board of
    Directors Meeting.
    d) Keep a permanent record of all dues received from members
    and any other income and expenses.
    e) Remit payment for approved debits according to the
    i. Disbursement of Funds
    ii. Requests for disbursement of funds shall be made in
    writing to the Board of Directors.
    f) Upon approval the treasurer will initiate ASBSU funds
    dispersal processes for those requests approved
    g) No funds will be disbursed without prior approval.
    h) Manage Ustore funds and marketplace
    i) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  5. The event coordinator shall:
    a) Manage calendar of events to be shared with the Board of
    Directors as well as the School of Nursing when finalized
    b) Develop materials for events including scheduling rooms
    and resources for events
    c) Coordinate with partners on and off campus for events
    d) Create fundraising ideas to promote earning financial
    resources to be used in future events
    e) Manage the dates and times of events as well as submitting
    correct documents depending on the event type to BSU Student
    f) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  6. The membership recruitment shall:
    a) Manage requests for membership in Engage
    b) Create and manage SNA presentations and resources for
    orientation to School of Nursing Students
    c) Keeps records of memberships to SNA and NSNA
    d) Develop and distribute presentation of resources for current
    SNA students
    e) Coordinate and manage Mentorship Program in order to
    pair current School of Nursing students that have attended
    for more than one semester with students who are in their
    first semester in order to provide tutoring,
    recommendations, and be a resource to the 4th semester
    f) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  7. The communication and promotions coordinator shall:
    a) Advertise events on all forums of social media, bulletin
    boards, and SNA website
    b) Collaborates with marketing team to create approved
    merchandise and advertisements to be distributed to the
    BSU SNA and the School of Nursing
    c) Collaborates with team to communicate with School of
    Nursing, Boise State University, and outreach to potential
    SNA members with necessary information and
    d) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as
    usual to this office.
  8. Committees shall:
    Perform such duties as assigned by the President in accordance
    with the priorities and needs of the association.
  9. The faculty advisor/s shall:
    a. The faculty advisor(s) will attend all meetings to support
    the activities of BSU-SNA members in the roles of
    educator, coach, and advisor.
    b. Be responsible for communication between the Board of
    Directors of the BSU-SNA and the School of Nursing.
    c. Approve all monetary commitments, projects, or other
    commitments of BSU-SNA, in collaboration with school
    administrators as appropriate.
    d. Assist the Treasurer and President in preparation of
    requests for funding from the Associated Students of Boise
    State University, and shall sign said requests.
    e. Consult with the Board of Directors about the
    organization’s activities in compliance with University

Section 5. Absences

  1. Members of the Board of Directors who demonstrates
    behavior as determined by the Board of Directors, that is
    inconsistent with the purpose, functions and expectations of
    NSNA, who if officer has rationale- DUI, unethical behavior
    could remove from the Board of Directors, or who have missed
    more than two regularly scheduled meetings of any current term
    year without prior notification to the Board of Directors and who
    offer no valid reason for such absences may be removed from
    office by a plurality vote of the current membership present at
    the next scheduled Board of Members meeting. The officer in
    question will be notified in advance of the meeting.
  2. An officer may also be removed from office by a plurality
    vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at a
    meeting called for that purpose if that officer is deemed
    negligent in the functions of that office as stated in these bylaws.
  3. Prior notification of two weeks shall be given to the
    individual in question and a special Board of Directors meeting
    shall be held to review the circumstances.

Section 6. Voting

  1. Voting during Board of Directors meetings shall be
    completed following Robert’s Rules of Order Newly
  2. Motions shall be passed with a majority vote
  3. In the event a member of the Board of Directors is absent,
    yet a quorum is still present, and voting results in a tie a
    member of the faculty advisors may vote to replace that


Section 1. Election of Board of Directors

  1. The term of office for the Board of Directors is two consecutive semesters starting immediately after being elected into the position. Elections will be held every November of the academic year and will involve the election of every position within the Board of Directors.
  2.  If a board of directors member graduates before the full term of 2 semesters, a special election will be held to fill the position for the remainder of the term. A special election may be held to fill a vacant position on the board of directors for any reason of vacancy.
  3. All Elections shall be by secret ballot
  4. A plurality vote of the members present and entitled to vote and voting shall constitute an official election.
  5. In the event of a tie, a revote shall be held.
  6. All candidates shall be presented to the Vice President at least 2 weeks prior to the election.

Section II. Eligibility for Election

  1.  Candidates running for a position of an officer
    (President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer) must be an
    active member of NSNA and Boise State SNA as described
    previously in Article III section 2.1. Candidates must be
    enrolled in Boise State’s Nursing program through 1
    semester during the term of the office.
  2. Candidates running for director positions must be an
    active member of NSNA and Boise State SNA as described
    previously in Article III Section 2.1. Candidates must be
    enrolled in Boise State’s Nursing program through 1
    semester during the term of the office.


Section 1. Meetings

  1. Membership Meeting dates, location, and time shall be set by
    the Board of Directors and/or a plurality vote of members
    present at each previous meeting.
  2.  The President shall have the authority to convene a special
    meeting at such time as is deemed necessary and shall notify the
    general membership of such meeting, location, and time.


Section 1. Appointments

  1. Committee chair appointments shall be made by the Board of
    Directors and shall be deemed standing committees unless
    otherwise stated at time of appointment.
  2.  Committee members shall be appointed by the committee
    chairperson or selected by the Board of Directors from a group
    of volunteers.
  3. Each appointed committee shall be overseen by a member of
    the Board of Directors

Section 2. Responsibility

All committees shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for
reporting committee activities on a regular basis and shall, upon
direction of the Board of Directors, report the same to the
general membership.


Section 1. Purpose and Function

  1. To serve as spokesperson for this association at the annual
    state and national conventions.
  2. Present to the state and national organizations all proposed
    resolutions or amendments to bylaws or policies proposed by
    this association.
  3. Keep informed as to all current and proposed resolutions at
    the state and national levels and report information to this
    association’s membership at regularly scheduled membership
  4.  Make available to members updates, explanations, and copies
    of current and proposed state and national resolutions.

Section 2. Qualification and Appointment

  1. Any member maintaining a grade level of C or above, who is
    active in (BSU-SNA) projects and is nominated by current
    membership at a regularly scheduled membership meeting is
    eligible to hold the position of delegate.
  2. Appointment shall be for one (1) year and shall be made by
    nomination of those members eligible and voted on by the
    current membership eligible to vote and voting. The nominee/s
    receiving the majority of votes cast shall be awarded the

Section 3. Delegate Representation

  1. School constituents:
    BSU SNA, when recognized as an official NSNA constituent,
    shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate at the
    NSNA House of Delegates, and in addition, shall be entitled to
    one voting delegate and alternate for every 50 members.
    The BSU SNA delegate(s) and alternate shall be a member(s) in
    good standing in the chapter and shall be selected and/or elected
    by members of the school chapter at a proper meeting according
    to chapter bylaws. The BSU-SNA may designate an alternate
    delegate for each delegate by one of the following two
    a) Selection and/or election by members of the school
    chapter according to chapter bylaws; or
    b) Written authorization to the State Board of Directors
    requesting them to appoint a member of the State Board to
    act as a state-appointed alternate for their school chapter.
    School chapters shall approve the appointment.
    The State Board of Directors shall verify that any state
    appointed alternate is a member in good standing of the NSNA
    and the state association.
    A school chapter must have a selected and/or elected
    delegate present at the NSNA Convention in order to have a
    state-appointed alternate seated in the House of Delegates.
    All alternates, whether school selected or state-appointed,
    shall have the same privileges as an elected delegate when
    seated in the House.
  2. The BSU-SNA shall be entitled to delegates according to
    the number of members in good standing in NSNA.
    Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of
    members in each constituent as evidenced by the annual
    dues received by NSNA on a date eight weeks prior to the
    annual meeting.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be made with a 2/3 vote of
those present and voting at a membership meeting provided that
notice of proposed amendments has been sent to members at
least two weeks prior to the meeting. Only proper amendments
submitted in writing and carrying the proponent’s signature will
be considered.


All meetings of this association shall be conducted according to
the parliamentary law as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order
Newly Revised where the rules apply and are not in conflict with
these bylaws.