About SNA
About SNA
The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is an organization for student nurses who are seeking to interact with other nursing students of all levels as well as develop professionalism and leadership skills. As a member, you will build lasting relationships with students, nurses and potential employers through events, activities and official functions. The Student Nurses Association will provide students with feedback and experience for their career in nursing as well as nurture an understanding of how official meetings are organized
The Benefits of Joining SNA
- Develop connections with instructors, nursing administration to improve the Boise State School of Nursing
- Have the opportunity to attend biannual and annual NSNA conferences in different states
- Plan fun and informative events for nursing students and staff
- Learn more about nursing specialties and job opportunities
- Have an organization you’re passionate about? You can fund raise and increase awareness through the SNA!
- Help create new nursing school apparel for staff and students
- Develop professional and leadership skills
- Network with future employers and build your resume
- Employers are interested in future nurses that are part of a national organization, who demonstrate leadership in the community and are committed to the profession
- Partnership Program (AHAN, AORN, ENA, ONS, AONE)