Boise State University Student Nurses Association Constitution
April 5, 2012
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Boise State University Student Nurses Association.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
Assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of care. Provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students. Aid in the development of the whole person, including his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.
Article III – Affiliation
Section 1
This organization shall operate according to the regulations and policies of Boise State University, and in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws.
Section 2
This organization shall adhere to the regulations and constitution of the National Student Nurses Association and the Idaho Student Nurses Association that do not conflict with the regulations and policies of Boise State University or with the Constitution of the Associated Students of Boise State University.
Article IV – Nondiscrimination
This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of:
Age Sex Veteran Status
Race National Origin Sexual Orientation
Color Ancestry Political Affiliation
Religion Disability
Article V – Membership
Section 1
The President must be a full fee-paying student of Boise State University and maintain a Grade Point Average of 2.0.
Section 2
All remaining officers and voting members of this organization shall be fee-paying undergraduate or graduate students of Boise State University and carry a minimum of three credit hours and a GPA of 2.0.
Section 3
At least 51% of the total membership shall be fee-paying students of Boise State University, maintain a minimum of 3 credit hours and be in compliance with all BSU policies.
Article VI – Removal of Members
Section 1
Grounds for removal: Any member not fulfilling his/her duties as outlined in this Constitution, or in the Bylaws of this organization to the satisfaction of the voting membership may be removed from office. A majority vote of the total-voting members present at a membership meeting and voting shall be required for removal of any member.
Section 2
Notice of charges: The motion to remove a member for his/her position must be presented in writing to the total voting membership at least 2 weeks before the meeting at which the removal will be voted on.
Section 3
Right to a fair hearing: The member subject to removal shall have the right to present his/her case to the membership at the meeting in which the voting for removal is to take place.
Section 4
Right to appeal: Appeals relating to the removal of members shall be done through the ASBSU Judiciary. Appeals must be made within two weeks after the vote for removal has taken place.
Section 5
Form of vote: All elections under this Article shall be done by secret ballot.
Article VII- Advisor
Section 1 Selection
The Boise State University Student Nurses Association faculty advisor/s shall be appointed by the Boise State University School of Nursing. Faculty advisor/s will have no voting privileges.
Section 2 Responsibility
a) The faculty advisor/s will attend all meetings to support the activities of BSU-SNA members in the roles of educator, coach, and advisor.
b) Be responsible for communication between the Board of Directors of the BSU-SNA and the School of Nursing.
c) Approve all monetary commitments, projects, or other commitments of BSU-SNA, in collaboration with school administrators as appropriate.
d) Assist the Treasurer and President in preparation of requests for funding from the Associated Students of Boise State University, and shall sign said requests.
e) Consult with the Board of Directors about the organization’s activities in compliance with University policies.
Section 3 Removal
The Board of Directors and general membership may meet with the appropriate school administrator to request removal/ replacement of a faculty advisor, written rationale for the request should be provided to the advisor and administrator, prior to the meeting. The final decision regarding removal of the advisor will made by the school administrator.
Article VIII– Meetings
Section 1 Quorum
A quorum for the board meetings shall be the president and/or vice president, four other board members and one faculty advisor.
Section 2 Voting Percentages
All motions will require a plurality vote of all members present and voting.
Section 3 Frequency of Meetings
Membership Meeting dates, location, and time shall be set by the Board of Directors and/or a plurality vote of members present at each previous meeting.
The President shall have the authority to convene a special meeting at such time as is deemed necessary and shall notify the general membership of such meeting, location, and time.
Section 4 Parliamentary Authority
The constitution of this organization shall be the supreme authority in parliamentary procedure at all meetings. The Bylaw’s of this organization shall be the next highest authority. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newest Revision, shall be the parliamentary handbook used to conduct meetings except where it conflicts with the Constitution or with the Bylaws.
Article IX – Elections
Section 1 Types of Elections
Types of elections include:
a) The term of office for Board of Directors members is one calendar year from January to December, and newly elected officers will work with outgoing officers from the time of the election until assuming their position in January.
b) Annual Elections shall be held no later than October at the School of Nursing, at a designated ballot box location.
c) A special election may be held to fill a vacant position on the board of directors.
Section 2 Form of Vote
a) All elections shall be by secret ballot.
b) A plurality vote of the members present and entitled to vote and voting shall constitute an official election.
c) In the event of a tie, a revote shall be held.
Article X – Officers
Section 1 The offices of this organization shall be:
- the President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Projects Coordinator
- Membership Recruiter
- Newsletter Editor
- Historian
- Web Master
- and faculty advisor/s.
Section 2 Qualifications
All officers must be full-fee students at Boise State University, and must maintain a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA, and also active/associate members of Boise State University Student Nurses Association.
Section 3 Duties
The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
A. The president shall:
a) Preside at all meetings of this association, represent BSU in matters relating to the association, appoint special committees as needed, along with the BOD develop the Strategic Action Plan and submit to the BSU School of Nursing,perform all other duties pertaining to the office and represent this association in all matters to the local state nurses association, the local league for nursing, state nursing student association, National Student Nurses’ Association, and other professional and student organizations.
b) Serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors
B. The vice president shall:
a) Assume responsibility of the office of President in the event of the vacancy occurring in the office until an elected person assumes the role.
b) Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
c) Assist the President as delegated and act as advisor to the President.
d) Be responsible for the election process to held no later than October of each school year.
e) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as usual to this office.
C. The secretary shall:
a) Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of this association as directed by the President.
b) Place a copy of the minutes from both general and BOD meetings in the SNA notebook in the Student Lounge, to School of Nursing Administration, and provide to the Newsletter Editor for weekly(We are doing weekly newsletter) announcements to members.
c) Keep on file as a permanent record all reports, papers and documents submitted to the secretary.
d) Refer to duly appointed committees the necessary records for the completion of business.
e) Forward minutes to the state nursing student association board as well as the names and addresses of all officers and committee chairpersons after their election or appointment.
f) Deliver to the newly elected Secretary all association papers.
g) Maintain a record of attendance at both general and BOD meetings.
h) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as usual to this office.
D. The treasurer shall:
a) Serve as chairperson of the budget/finance committee.
b) Submit financial reports to the membership as directed by President.
c) Prepare financial reports submitted at the monthly Board of Directors Meeting.
d) Keep a permanent record of all dues received from members and any other income and expenses.
e) Remit payment for approved debits according to the following
i. Disbursement of Funds
ii. Requests for disbursement of funds shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors.
f) Upon approval the treasurer will initiate ASBSU funds dispersal processes
for those requests approved
g) No funds will be disbursed without prior approval.
h) Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or as usual to this office.
E. Directors shall:
Perform such duties as assigned by the president in accordance with the priorities and needs of the association.
Article IX – Removal of Officers
Section 1 Grounds for removal include:
a) Members of the Officers who demonstrates behavior as determined by the Officers that is inconsistent with the purpose, functions and expectations of NSNA, who if officer has rationale- DUI, unethical behavior could remove from Officers, or who have missed more than two regularly scheduled meetings of any current term year without prior notification to the Officers and who offer no valid reason for such absences may be removed from office by a plurality vote of the Officers present at the next scheduled Officers meeting. The officer in question will be notified in advance of the meeting.
b)An officer may also be removed from office by a plurality vote of the members of the Officers present at a meeting called for that purpose if that officer is deemed negligent in the functions of that office as stated in these bylaws.
Section 2 Notice of charges:
The motion to remove an officer from his/her position must be presented in writing to the total voting membership at least two weeks before the meeting at which the removal bill will be voted on.
Section 3 Right to a fair hearing:
The officer subject to removal shall have the right to present his/her case to the officers at the meeting in which the voting for removal is to take place.
Section 4 Right to appeal:
Appeals relating to the removal of officers shall be done through the ASBSU Judiciary. Appeals must be made within two weeks after the vote for removal has taken place.
Section 5 Form of vote:
An officer may be removed from office by a plurality vote of the members of the Officers present at a meeting called for that purpose if that officer is deemed negligent in the functions of that office as stated in these constituents.
Article XII – Financial Support
Section 1 The finances of this organization will come from:
fund raising projects, individual contributions, dues, the Associated Students of Boise State University and/or from Boise State University, when appropriate.
Article XIII – Amendments to Constitution
Section 1
A proposal to amend this constitution must be presented to the total voting membership in the form of written motion at least one week before it is to be voted on.
Section 2
A proposed amendments must be adopted in accordance with this constitution and amendments to this Constitution must be approved by the Student Involvement & Leadership Center to become effective.