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Summer 2024 Online Course List

NOTE: This course list was updated on July 15, 2024. Up-to-date course information is found on myBoiseState. For details on how to search for online courses see myBoiseState Class Search.
See Online University Foundations to review online options available. Students taking VESi courses are also advised to read a VESi overview before enrolling.

Online Course List

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SessionDatesClass NumberCourseTitleCreditsFoundation Courses
SP107/15/2024 - 07/16/202441766ANTH 494-1608Conference or Workshop: DSI: Knowing Fish1
SP107/15/2024 - 07/16/202441769BIOL 494-1608Conference or Workshop: DSI: Knowing Fish1
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202442312CE 593-009Thesis1-6
SP108/02/2024 - 08/03/202441938COUN 597-001Special Topics: Music and the Brain1
SP207/22/2024 - 08/02/202440515ED-CIFS 520-001Foundations Gifted & Talented3
SP207/22/2024 - 08/02/202440539ED-CIFS 521-001Creativity & Critical Thinking3
SP207/22/2024 - 07/26/202440540ED-CIFS 522-001Social & Emotional Needs3
SP207/22/2024 - 07/26/202440193ED-CIFS 539-001Curriculum Adaptations for GT3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441866ENGR 497-001Special Topics: Env Energy & Water Field Crse3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441867ENVSCI 482-001EnvSci Field School: Env Energy & Water Field Crse3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441643ENVSTD 482-001Environmental Field School: Env Energy & Water Field Crse3
SP107/15/2024 - 07/16/202441770ENVSTD 494-1608Conference or Workshop: DSI: Knowing Fish1
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441644ENVSTD 582-001Environmental Field School: Env Energy & Water Field Crse3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441203HONORS 392-4002Honors Colloquium: Greek Mythology3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441721MEM 597-001Special Topics: Env Energy & Water Field Crse3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202442223MPH 688-001Thesis Proposal1
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441255SCM 301-4002Prin of Supply Chain Mgmt3
3W207/22/2024 - 08/11/202441384SPAN 408-4001Caribbean Culture3

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