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Master Plan 1997

The 1997 Master plan had four stated goals with a number of objectives outlined to meet those goals. The goals and objectives of the plan are listed below and a scan of the original document is available as a PDF file by request. Please email the Capital Planing and Space Management office to request the archived file.

1997 Master Plan Goals and Objectives

Goal A

Promote Boise State University as an Urban University.


  1. Encourage on-campus residential and cultural uses that expand after hours vitality.
  2. Encourage commercial uses at the campus periphery which support the University and serve nearby residential uses.
  3. Provide an appropriate transition of land use, scale, and density.
  4. between the campus and the South Boise neighborhoods and the Capitol Boulevard and Broadway Avenue commercial areas.

  5. Develop compatible campus uses and careful design adjacent to existing neighborhood housing. Large surface parking lots are neither a good transition nor a good neighbor.
  6. Provide a positive sense of campus arrival at the Capitol Boulevard and University Drive intersection and at Broadway Avenue and University Drive. Make the campus environment of institutional buildings, open spaces and student activities more visible from these two locations.
  7. Complement efforts to revitalize Boise’s central city with the University’s long range planning and development.

Goal B

Reinforce a Pedestrian Campus Environment for Boise State University.


  1. Give priority to pedestrian, cyclists and transit users over auto traffic both to and within the campus.
  2. Provide a consistent, connected system of open spaces and paths as an organizing element of the campus master plan. Extend this system to new campus expansion areas.
  3. Provide pathways that are direct, pleasant and of adequate size for their intended use.
  4. Provide a hierarchy of paths that forms a complete and understand­able system.
  5. Design lighting and signage which make pathways safe and conve­nient to use by day and after dark.
  6. Design primary pathways to accommodate service and emergency access.
  7. Discourage through traffic on University Drive.
  8. Develop peripheral parking resources with direct paths to the campus heart.
  9. Disperse surface parking to a series of structures and smaller, interconnected lots which can be used efficiently without dominating the campus or disrupting circulation on foot.

Goal C

Integrate the Boise River Greenbelt with the Boise State University Campus.


  1. Treat the riverfront as a frontage, not a service access.
  2. Link internal open spaces and paths to the Greenbelt.
  3. Orient new buildings and open spaces to the Greenbelt (and to other internal open spaces).
  4. Reinforce a pedestrian environment along the Greenbelt.
  5. Keep vehicular parking away from the Greenbelt.
  6. Develop appropriate access to the waters edge.
  7. Limit vehicular access along the Greenbelt to special event egress and essential service and emergency traffic.
  8. Capitalize on views of the river, Ann Morrison Park, and the foothills.

Goal D

Provide Flexibility in the Long Range Plan for Boise State University to Meet the Changing Demands for Higher Education in the 21st Century.


  1. Identify potential development sites that could accommodate a variety of future uses.
  2. To the extent possible, design buildings that can be modified or expanded easily in the future.
  3. Equip new buildings for changing technology, with generous provision of conduits and raceways.